DigitalNomads provides users with insightful analysis and useful data visualization of GitHub activity around the world by programming language.
Both project/company owners and members of the growing class (workforce?) of globe-trotting developers will find DigitalNomads useful. Project owners will be able to more efficiently find clusters of capable programmers in lower cost regions to hire for their projects. And digital nomads will be able to more easily determine where communities of similarly skilled and capable peers are located while they are planning their travels.
DigitalNomads analyzes repositories and commits on GitHub, the largest code host in the world, to determine which programming languages are most popular and active in each part of the world. By packaging this data in an insightful and useful format, DigitalNomads makes it easy for both project owners and nomadic developers to access and filter this information to meet their needs.
Phase II: Add on features / integrations such as AirBnB, Odesk, Yelp/Google Maps, etc
Visit the app at:
The latest version of the codebase can be found here:
For the most up-to-date documentation on product functionality and technical architecture goto:
Prerequisites: You must have Node.js, Bower, and _____ installed.
To get up and running on your local development machine:
Additionally, start a server by running gulp serve
and then run gulp
to continually compile files and refresh the browser.
If you would like to make a contribution, please see the contribution guide for the git workflow.
For any bugs or issues, please create a new issue at: