CulturedCheese / thesis-project

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load places data into placesWithGeo table #41

Closed ClimbsRocks closed 9 years ago

ClimbsRocks commented 9 years ago
  1. store the lat and long coordinates as text in their own separate columns.
  2. to try to get fancy, also combine them into a single point(x,y) column
ClimbsRocks commented 9 years ago

did it!

load data infile '~/ghLocal/thesis-project/db/first40kLatLong.csv' into table placesWithGeo character set latin1 fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\r' ignore 1 lines (@name, @Lat, @Long) SET user_location= @name, latitude= @Lat, longitude= @Long, latLongPoint= PointFromWKB(POINT(@Lat,@Long));