CulturedCheese / thesis-project

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FEAT adds initial data gathering, processing, and aggregation #60

Closed ClimbsRocks closed 9 years ago

ClimbsRocks commented 9 years ago

FEAT/ aggregates user data. need to insert into users table next

FEAT loads place name and it's geo data into MySQL database!

one way of aggregating user data up to a user summary

traversing through MySQL db and getting country codes for each row

making requests to geoNames and updating the db with the results!

created hash to get github language names and mysql column naming restrictions to agree

creates aggregated country table and methods to store data into table

FEAT added insert query and logic for storing the countries

FEAT finishes countries insert logic

FEAT aggregates to the country level

gets the geolocations for a given string location

FEAT random grouping functionality

FEAT added db storage folder for csvs to .gitignore

FEAT loads place name and it's geo data into MySQL database!

one way of aggregating user data up to a user summary

making requests to geoNames and updating the db with the results!

created hash to get github language names and mysql column naming restrictions to agree

FEAT random grouping functionality

first changes for mapping before rebasing from development

FIX added commas to package.json