CulverLab / sparcd
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Scientific Photo Analysis for Research & Conservation database (SPARCd), known during development as Scientific Animal Image Analysis (SANIMAL)

SPARC'd is a program developed for the University of Arizona's Jaguar and Ocelot Monitoring Project at the Wild Cat Research and Conservation Center, School of Natural Resources and the Environment Department.

Getting Started

Clone the repository and build it using maven. All dependencies will be automatically fetched.


Java 15:

Prebuilt executable

If you want to run the software without needing to build from source, prebuilt executables can be found in the Version History directory

Sanimal X.Y.Z.jar is the original legacy software written in Swing which was the predecessor to SanimalFX.
Sanimal FX X.Y.jar is the current latest build of Sanimal FX including all dependencies.

Executables are executed with:

java -jar 'Sanimal FX X.Y.jar' 

Build from Source

Clone the github repository into a directory:

git clone <directory>

Build the project into an executable JAR file to run:

cd '<directory>/Sanimal FX'
mvn -U compile package

Run the program:

java -jar '<directory>/Sanimal FX/target/SanimalFX-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar'

Sample screenshots

Login - This screen is used to log into your account.

login screen

Home - This tab is used to credit developers and provide an exit button.

home tab

Import - This tab is used to tag images with metadata.

import tab

Collections - This tab is used to show collections and upload images.

collections tab

Analyze/Query - This tab is used to query uploaded image data.

query tab

Map - This tab is used to display all locations on an interactive map.

map tab

Setings - This tab is used to change program settings.

settings tab

Built With

