CupOfGeo / Attractors

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Attractors take 3

Hey so a long time ago i found this project and thought it looked really cool so i played around with it and wanted to turn it into a rest api.

It was a super cool demo learned about jit and datashaders TODO thank the guy that gave the talk scaling open source science.

It going to make me pretty pictures and the server will be a good test service for other things.

dev containers and CodeSpaces

going to learn to use the .devcontainers

so im now in a clean 3.11 dev container :) I have a bash terminal

Cool so i updated my pre-commit hooks as well

Im running without a venv bc im already in a clean room. This is great now I can install all my dev dependencies and then make a clean .venv with only whats needed to deploy.



two services one repo

each service will have its own venv and requirements.txt. But the requirements.txt in the root of this project will have all the dev dependencies need to run pre-commit hooks and any other project dependencies.

graph LR
    A[Dash Frontend] <--> B[Backend FastAPI]

GH workload federation stuff

Here is the module I used