CurtisGreen / opensidewalkmap

Easily visualize sidewalks
MIT License
4 stars 2 forks source link



Use data from OpenStreetMap to highlight sidewalks on the map. Lets you easily see what places are accesible by foot and what sidewalks are missing


To install this project, you will require an API key from mapbox. Go to, create an account and API key before continuing.

1. Clone the project

$ git clone

2. Install dependencies

$ npm install

3. Configure environment variables

You may populate environment variables in your system environment or within a .env file.

OPTION 1: As a system environment variable


OPTION 2: As a .env file

This file will be ingored in your commits, but still be careful not to commit or share this file. When the project runs, it will check for the presence of this file and use the values automatically.

  1. Clone .env.template and rename as .env
  2. Replace TOKEN_HERE with your Mapbox API Token

4. Run the project

$ npm run dev

The project will be accesible on http://localhost:3000

Project Structure

This project is based off of the general structure of a Next.js application. For additional details see:

Key files and folders: