CxAalto / gtfspy

Public transport network analysis using Python 🚊🚇🚃🚌🛳️🚡🚠🚞
MIT License
157 stars 30 forks source link
gtfs python routing sqlite


Gtfspy-master Travis CI build passing PyPI badge

gtfspy is a Python package for analyzing public transport timetable data provided in the General Transit Feed Specification, GTFS, -format.

Core features:



Linux and Mac OS

pip install gtfspy


Windows should work, but has not been tested or and may not be supported as much. Please report problems.

Windows users may need to install Shapely library first. Download Shapely wheel and then run:

pip install wheel
pip install {path to the Shapely wheel file on your PC}

If you come across the Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required error, you may need to download the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools. You can download it from here.

After that, continue with:

pip install gtfspy

Development quickstart

Use this if you want to be able to edit gtfspy's source code.

git clone
cd gtfspy/
pip install -r requirements.txt # install any requirements
nosetests . # run tests

Remember to also add the gtfspy directory to your PYTHONPATH environment variable.



We welcome contributions as GitHub pull requests. In your pull request, please also add yourself as a contributor in the list below.


This library is not yet stabilised, and new features are being developed. Thus code organization and interfaces may change at a fast pace. More precise versioning scheme will be decided upon later.


View the changelog.


Package maintainers

Other contributors



This source code of this project licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.

Example data

The OpenStreetMap data (.osm.pbf file(s) under examples/data) is licenced under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).

The GTFS data used for the examples is provided by the City of Kuopio (Finland), and have been downloaded from [data licensed under CC-BY 4.0].

Usage for scientific purposes

If you use this Python package for scientific purposes, please cite our paper

Rainer Kujala, Christoffer Weckström, Miloš N. Mladenović, Jari Saramäki, Travel times and transfers in public transport: Comprehensive accessibility analysis based on Pareto-optimal journeys, In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 67, 2018, Pages 41-54, ISSN 0198-9715,



If you have any problems using gtfspy please create an issue in GitHub.

Other questions on

If you have any questions regarding gtfspy, feel free to send the package maintainers (see above) an e-mail!

See also

Code for a research project using gtfspy

Web-visualization tool utilizing gtfspy (gtfspy-webviz)