CyberCraftInc / vacation_system

Cyber Craft Vacation System
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Vacation Management System for CyberCraft Inc.

This is implementation of the Second Iteration.


The project is powered by Ruby, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Backbone, and MySQL.

Ruby and RVM

  1. Install RVM.

    Follow instructions on

  2. Install Ruby with the following command:

    rvm install 2.2.3
    rvm --default use 2.2.3
  3. Install bundler with the following command:

    gem install bundler

    For details see

Project Sources

  1. Clone the project repository.

  2. Open the project directory.


Currently Node.js 4.x is proven to be sufficient.

For details on how to install Node.js see


  1. Install MySQL related components with the following command:

    sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev


  1. Install PhantomJS from PPA

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tanguy-patte/phantomjs
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install phantomjs

Resolve Project Dependencies

  1. Install the project related dependencies:

    bundle install

    In the command above failed, something like the following may be needed:

    bundle update <gem>

    Substitute <gem> with particular gem name.


  1. Generate secret token:

    echo SECRET_KEY_BASE=`rake secret` > .env
  2. Add DB related credentials:

    echo DATABASE_USER=user >> .env
    echo DATABASE_PASS=pass >> .env

    Replace user and pass with appropriate values.

  3. Add action mailer related credentials:

    echo EMAIL_USER=user >> .env
    echo EMAIL_PASS=pass >> .env

    Replace user and pass with appropriate values.

  4. Create DB with the following command:

    bundle exec rake db:create
    bundle exec rake db:migrate
    bundle exec rake db:seed


The application server is to be hosted on Heroku.


The Ruby version must be 2.2.3.

For the list of supported Ruby versions see appropriate Heroku documentation.

Create Heroku Application

  1. Create application on Heroku:

    heroku create
  2. Put application on Heroku into maintenance state:

    heroku maintenance:on
  3. Provision ClearDB add-on to provide Heroku dedicated MySQL server:

    heroku addons:create cleardb:ignite

    HINT: For more details about ClearDB, see official documentation.

  4. Create DB structure on Heroku:

    heroku run rake db:migrate
  5. Put application on Heroku into operational state:

    heroku maintenance:off

    HINT: It is recommended to put application back into maintenance state after checking that application is up and running.

    HINT: It is possible to check logs to get some details about application, with the following command:

    heroku logs

DB Export

It is supposed to dump data from development environment. All the related credentials are stored in the .env file.

  1. Issue the following command:

    mysqldump -u user_name -h host_name -p database_name  > dump.sql

    NOTE: You will be prompted for a password for specified DB user_name.

    NOTE: Replace user_name, host_name, and database_name with appropriate values.

    HINT: It is good idea to provide a file name with a human readable time stamp. So the previous command should look like the following:

     mysqldump -u user_name -h host_name -p database_name  > `date +%F_%k-%M-%S`_dump.sql

    As a result, the file name will look like 2015-11-23_12-27-32_dump.sql.

DB Import on Heroku

The application uses ClearDB add-on as a DB service.

  1. Ensure the ClearDB is added and configured properly on Heroku.

  2. Put application on Heroku into maintenance state:

    heroku maintenance:on
  3. Get ClearDB credentials:

    heroku config

    HINT: The output should contain the line that looks like as follows:

    CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL:     mysql://user_name:password@host_name/heroku_link?reconnect=true
  4. Issue the following command:

    mysql --host=host_name --user=user_name -p --reconnect heroku_link < dump.sql

    NOTE: You will be prompted for a password for specified user_name.

    NOTE: Use user_name, password, host_name, and heroku_link stored in CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL. See the previous step for details.

    NOTE: The operation may take some time, at least 3-12 seconds.

  5. Put application on Heroku into operational state:

    heroku maintenance:off