CyberShadow / DuolingoMoreKeys

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More Duolingo hotkeys

This UserScript allows doing all exercises exclusively with the keyboard (without needing to use the mouse).


  1. Install Greasemonkey for Firefox or Tampermonkey for Chrome.
  2. Click here to install this UserScript.


You can press the indicated keys to activate buttons as if clicking them.

You can also press Ctrl+Space to play the audio again, or press Ctrl+Shift+Space to play the slow version. (These hotkeys were standard in Duolingo, but they're no longer available in all exercises.)



You can change the keys used to select answer choices using the following steps:

  1. Open in your web browser
  2. Press F12 to open the developer console
  3. Open the "Console" tab in the developer console (or your web browser's equivalent)
  4. At the prompt at the bottom, type:

    window.localStorage.duolingoMoreKeysLayout = '1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';

    Change the list of keys between the quotes to your desired digits or letters. Letters should be in UPPER CASE. The keys will be used in the order specified.

  5. Close the developer console by pressing F12.

To reset the keys to the default value, do the same steps above, but at step 4, enter instead:

delete window.localStorage.duolingoMoreKeysLayout;