Cyclenerd / google-cloud-pricing-cost-calculator

πŸ’Έ Calculate estimated monthly costs of Google Cloud Platform products and resources via YAML files and CLI program (Linux, macOS, Windows)
Apache License 2.0
127 stars 21 forks source link
billing cloud cloud-cost-estimates compute-engine cost-estimation cost-management cost-optimization finops gcp google-cloud google-cloud-platform google-compute-engine google-compute-instance infrastructure infrastructure-as-code invoice linux-cli linux-shell macos-cli usage

Google Cloud Platform Pricing and Cost Calculator

Badge: Google Cloud Badge: Linux Badge: macOS Badge: Windows Badge: Go Go Report Card Badge: CI Badge: GitHub Badge: Downloads

πŸ† Awarded
This project was the winner of the Google Open Source Peer Bonus in 2022 πŸ₯³

Calculate estimated monthly costs of Google Cloud Platform products and resources. Optimized for DevOps, architects and engineers to quickly see a cost breakdown and compare different options upfront:

Full control and no disclosure of any information and costs to third parties. Everything is calculated on your local computer. No need to have a connection to the Internet. Everything tested and matched against the actual invoice in large Google Cloud migration projects. Over 365 automated tests ensure gcosts reliability. gcosts works on various OS and terminals, including Windows CMD, macOS iTerm2, and in CI systems like GitHub Actions.

1️⃣ Create YAML file 2️⃣ Run gcosts CLI program 3️⃣ Open CSV file
Screenshot: YAML usage file Screenshot: gcosts CLI program Screenshot: CSV file

☁️ Supported resources

The cost of a resource is calculated by multiplying its price by its usage.

πŸ’‘ Google Cloud Free Program
Free tiers and free trial (90-day, $300), which are usually not a significant part of cloud costs, are ignored. For example: 1x free non-preemptible e2-micro VM instance per month, free NAT for 32 VMs, 30 GB-months standard persistent disk, 1 GB network egress and everything else are not taken into account.

Resources that gcosts supports, and Google charges for:

πŸ–₯️ Compute Engine Instances - [x] All machine types are supported - [x] `A2` and `G2` accelerator optimized machines - [x] `C2`, `C2D` and `H3` compute optimized machine series - [x] `M1`, `M2` and `M3` memory optimized machine series - [x] `C3`, `E2`, `N1`, `N2`, `N4`, `N2D`, `T2D` and `T2A` general purpose machine series - [x] Sustained use discounts (SUD) are applied to monthly costs - [x] Spot provisioning model (Spot VM) is supported - [ ] Flexible committed use discounts (Flexible CUD) are not supported - [x] 1 year and 3 year committed use discounts (CUD) are supported - [x] Paid "premium" operating system licenses (paid images) are supported - [x] SUSE Linux Enterprise Server - [x] SLES for SAP (1y and 3y committed use discounts (CUD) are also supported) - [x] Red Hat Enterprise Linux (1y and 3y committed use discounts (CUD) are also supported) - [x] RHEL for SAP (1y and 3y committed use discounts (CUD) are also supported) - [x] Windows Server - [x] Custom machine types are supported (have to be created manually) - [ ] Sole-tenant VMs are not supported
πŸ’Ύ Compute Engine Disks - [x] All persistent disk (PD) types are supported - [x] Zonal persistent disk - [x] Regional persistent disk - [x] Local SSD - [ ] Provisioned IOPS
πŸͺ£ Cloud Storage - [x] All storage classes and location types are supported - [x] region - [x] dual-region - [x] multi-region - [x] Retrieval fees are calulated
πŸš‡ Hybrid Connectivity - [x] VPN tunnel - [ ] Interconnect is currently not calculated
πŸ”— Cloud NAT - [x] NAT gateway - [x] Data processing (both egress and ingress)
🚦 Cloud Monitoring (Operations Suite) - [x] Monitoring data
πŸ•ΈοΈ Network - [x] Premium Tier internet egress - [x] Worldwide destinations (excluding China & Australia, but including Hong Kong) - [x] China destinations (excluding Hong Kong) - [x] Australia destinations
πŸ—οΈ TODO The following services are not currently supported, but are on the TODO list: - [ ] BigQuery - [ ] Cloud SQL Please suggest other resources worth covering by upvoting existing issue or opening new issue.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ« Start the interactive tutorial

This guide is available as an interactive Cloud Shell tutorial. To get started, please click the following button:

Open in Cloud Shell

πŸƒ Quick start

1. Get gcosts program

Download the ready complied and executable gcosts CLI program for your operating system and architecture.

Linux Download: * [x86_64]( Intel or AMD 64-Bit CPU ```bash curl -L "" \ -o "gcosts" && \ chmod +x "gcosts" ``` * [arm64]( Arm-based 64-Bit CPU (i.e. in Raspberry Pi) ```bash curl -L "" \ -o "gcosts" && \ chmod +x "gcosts" ``` To determine your OS version, run `getconf LONG_BIT` or `uname -m` at the command line. Execute `gcosts`: ```bash ./gcosts help ```
macOS Download: * [x86_64]( Intel 64-bit ```bash curl -L "" \ -o "gcosts" && \ chmod +x "gcosts" ``` * [arm64]( Apple silicon 64-bit ```bash curl -L "" \ -o "gcosts" && \ chmod +x "gcosts" ``` To determine your OS version, run `uname -m` at the command line. Execute `gcosts`: ```bash ./gcosts help ```
Windows Download: * [x86_64]( Intel or AMD 64-Bit CPU ```powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "gcosts.exe" ``` * [arm64]( Arm-based 64-Bit CPU ```powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "gcosts.exe" ``` To determine your OS version, run `echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%` at the command line. Execute `gcosts.exe`: ```powershell .\gcosts.exe help ```

2. Download price information

Download the latest and tested price information file pricing.yml. The price information is automatically regenerated on a weekly basis. Download the updated pricing file regularly.

Linux Download `pricing.yml`: ```bash curl -L "" \ -o "pricing.yml" ```
macOS Download `pricing.yml`: ```bash curl -L "" \ -o "pricing.yml" ```
Windows Download `pricing.yml`: ```powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "pricing.yml" ```

3. Run it

Prepare a separate directory (i.e. usage) just for your YAML usage files and create your first YAML usage file (resources.yml) in this directory:

region: europe-west4
project: my-first-project
  - name: app-server
    type: e2-standard-8
    os: rhel
    commitment: 3
      - name: disk-boot
        type: ssd
        data: 75

Warning If the price list (pricing.yml) is in the same directory, errors occur because the YAML file is also parsed.

Execute the CLI program:

Linux Execute `gcosts`: ```bash ./gcosts calc --pricing YML-PRICING-PATH ```
macOS Execute `gcosts`: ```bash ./gcosts calc --pricing YML-PRICING-PATH ```
Windows Execute `gcosts.exe`: ```powershell .\gcosts.exe calc --pricing YML-PRICING-PATH ```

Without extra specification of the directory all YAML files (*.yml) of the current directory are imported and the costs of the resources are calculated. You can specify the directory:

gcosts calc --dir DIRECTORY-PATH --pricing YML-PRICING-PATH

The calculated costs are exported to one CSV (comma-separated values) file. Without specifying the file location, the file is named costs.csv and is saved in the current directory. You can specify the CSV export file:

gcosts calc --csv CSV-EXPORT-FILE-PATH --pricing YML-PRICING-PATH

You can import the CSV file with MS Excel, Apple Numbers, LibreOffice or Google Sheets.

4. Get familiar

Continue to familiarize yourself with the options. The following documentations are prepared for this purpose:

πŸ€“ Tip

Add gcosts to your Shell aliases with absolute pathnames. You can then execute gcosts anywhere.

Alias (~/.aliases):

alias gcosts='/your-pathname/gcosts --pricing /your-pathname/pricing.yml'

❀️ Contributing

Have a patch that will benefit this project? Awesome! Follow these steps to have it accepted.

  1. Please read how to contribute.
  2. Fork this Git repository and make your changes.
  3. Create a Pull Request.
  4. Incorporate review feedback to your changes.
  5. Accepted!

πŸ“œ License

All files in this repository are under the Apache License, Version 2.0 unless noted otherwise.

Portions of this repository are modifications based on work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License.