Cycling74 / RNBOMetasound

RNBO adapter that implements metasound nodes
MIT License
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RNBO MetaSounds

RNBO in MetaSounds This is experimental software—use at your own risk, and know that anything in this repository could change in the future.

This repository will help you create custom nodes for a MetaSounds graph in Unreal Engine 5.4+ using RNBO's c++ source export.

In addition to nodes which will hold your RNBO exports, this repository will also build utility nodes, for example, a Transport node which will help you utilize RNBO's built-in transport within your MetaSounds graph.

Example Project

To check out an example of an Unreal Engine project full of RNBO exports, download this project and open up its

Where to Put this Repository

To get started, clone this repository into your UE Project's Plugins directory, and check out our documentation here.

Experimental State and Current Limitations

At this early stage in the developement of this tool, there exist some known limitations. Please feel free to add or comment on issues if you run into something you wish you could do, or something that seems like it is not working as you'd expect.

Current Limitations

You can read more about each of the following topics in our documentation, including suggested current workarounds.
