CyclotronResearchCentre / USwLesion

Unified Segmentation for lesioned brain
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Unified Segmentation with lesions in the brain

The aim is to extend the "unified segmentation" (US, Ashburner et al. 2005) to brain images with lesional tissue. This was originally developed to process multiple sclerosis MR images. We are using the standard structural MRI but also quantitative MR images, aka. multi-parametric maps or MPM. There now exist a hMRI toolbox for the generation of these quantitative maps.

A poster was presented at the OHBM conference in Vancouver (June 2017). A real paper will come out at some point, we are working on it... If you want to cite this work, at the moment, the only options are OHBM abstract and poster, along with this GitHub page. Thanks!

This development should lead to an SPM12 comaptible toolbox with a matlabbatch interface. Here is how the code is organized:


There are a few processing processing modules, called from the main tbx_cfg_USwithLesion.m configuration file. The main module deals with the "unified segmentation with lesion" and is batched through tbx_scfg_USwL.m. This is the extension of US to account for lesion(s), as indicated through an (approximate) lesion-mask image.

A second tbx_scfg_MPMsmooth.m module deals with the tissue specific smoothing of quantitative MR images. This follows the paper by Draganski et al, 2011. This is similar to the functionality available in the hMRI toolbox. A bunch of utility modules are also available as sub-modules:


The main function crc_USwL.m does the segmentation itself. The central idea is to extend the (healthy brain) tissue probability maps (TPMs) with an extra tissue classe for lesion(s). Afterwards the SPM's US algorithm can be applied on the patient's data with his patient specific updated TPMs, i.e. "US with Lesion" The function operates in the following steps:

The parameter exctraction function crc_ExtractParam_qMRIs.m aims at providing some 'summary statistics' on the patient images and the extracted tissues, including the lesion:

  1. total intracranial volume (tICV), to be used as reference volume
  2. match between mask and segmented lesion volume
  3. volumic information , in absolute or relative values for GM, WM and lesion
  4. qMRI values in the voxels of different tissue types
  5. some summary statistics: min, max , mean, median, std, skewness, kurtosis, p10, & p90 of the values extracted at 4., for each quantitative maps and tissue types.

Rationale for the TPMs updating:

The lesion mask is included in the standard TPM following John Ashburner's advice on how to define TPMs. At each voxel: