Cytel-Inc / CyneRgy

CyneRgy is a package designed to illustrate the synergy of using R with Cytel products for clinical trial simulation.
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R integration with Cytel products provides a highly efficient approach to achieving custom adaptive clinical trial designs, without requiring you to develop an entire R code base. The CyneRgy R package illustrates the synergy of using R and Cytel products for clinical trial simulation and provides tools to help develop new functions.


This repository and corresponding website provide an overview of the R examples provided in this repository. Each example is intended to be used with one of Cytel's products (East or Solara). Each example is included in a directory that provides an R Studio project file, a Description file that describes the example, RCode folder which contains the example R scripts, and FillInTheBlankRCode - examples with various code deleted so you can practice and fill in the blanks.

In addition, the CyneRgy package provides helpful functions for you to create your own R functions based on templates and a seamless R experience for viewing examples in R Studio.

Lastly, the Sandbox directory contains incomplete, in-progress examples. The examples in this directory have not been completed or tested.


A variety of examples can be found in this package. Please see Examples for a complete list of examples. The CyneRgy package provides many built-in functions that may be used directly in Cytel products. For a complete list see References.


Currently this package is not officially released and is not available on CRAN. However, it may be installed directly from GitHub using the remotes package with the following code:

remotes::install_github( "Cytel-Inc/CyneRgy@main" )

You must have the remotes package to use the above command. To launch the examples, you will also need to have the rstudioapi package.