D-I-L / django-chicp

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======= CHiCP

CHiCP is a Django app to visualise HiC interactions (www.chicp.org).

Quick start

  1. Pre-Installation Requirements Cairo - http://cairographics.org

  2. Installation

    pip install -e git://github.com/D-I-L/django-chicp.git#egg=chicp
    pip install --exists-action w -r $PYENV_HOME/src/chicp/chicp/requirements.txt 
    sed -i 's|from transform import|from svgutils.transform import|' $PYENV_HOME/src/svgutils/src/svgutils/templates.py
  3. Add "chicpea" (and analytical for google analytics) to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::

  4. Include the chicp URLconf in your project urls.py like this::

    url(r'^chicp/', include('chicp.urls', namespace="chicp")),
  5. Create a settings_secret.py in your django project and include it from settings.py. Add details for ELASTIC search functionality like this::

    # elastic search engine
    ELASTIC = {
        'default': {
            'ELASTIC_URL': 'http://elastic:9200/',
  6. Setup elastic indexes for all your data in chicpea_settings.py