D-Kleck / Kleckner_CSCI2270_FinalProject

This is for the final project in CSCI 2270
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This is for the final project in CSCI 2270 / Project Summery: This program is an updated version of Assignment 8, where we had districts of cities and had to find the shortest path and distance between them. The program will still be able to calculate the shortest path and distance, but I have added the concept of airports, where the user can add or remove airports from cities. The user can chose to find the shortest ground distance between cities, but if the destination city is in another district, and that district has an airport, they will be able to fly to that district. Unlike Assignment 8, I hard coded the name of the file with the city names and distances in. How to Run: Files Needed: Graph.cpp, Graph.h, CSCI_2270_Final.cpp, and zombieCities.txt When downloading the files, make sure they are all in the same folder, otherwise the program won't find the file it is supposed to get it's information from. DO NOT DOWNLOAD test.cpp, that was just the test file I used for recitation. When the program starts, it should already go through all of the cities and add in the edges. the Menu will pop up with the options. if you want to find the shortest distance between two cities in two different districts, make sure to add airports to both districts, or there is no way for you to get there. Dependencies: the file "zombieCities.txt" needs to be with the program, or it won't get the information. System Requirements: Run on Virtual Machine, so Linux Group Members: None Contributors: TBD Open issues/bugs: TBD /