D1935827V / spring_portfolio

Tri 1: Java and Spring Intro
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Calvin Cheah, Nicolas Xue, Brayden Basinger, Dane Vestal


On our website, we have a navbar to see all of our minilabs and assignments. We have about me pages, and links to CB FRQ's. Our theme is education, as we have surveys about clubs and teachers. We want to have underclassmen have the best highschool experience, so we provide them with teacher/club reviews, and college rankings


The goal of our project is to educate underclassmen about teachers and clubs around campus. This is essential because everyone wants to have the best teacher/clubs possible, so by getting input from students who have went throught that process, the underclassmen are able to make an educated decision about their classes/clubs.

How to use our Website

You should take the surveys we have under the reviews navbar. You can review your teachers and clubs you have been in. You can also check out other aspects of our site by opening our minilabs. howtodelnortereview image

Course Planner

Select your courses


Easily Keep Track of what slots are left!



Name Github ID Tasks Scrum Board Commits Profile
Brayden BraydenBasinger Link Link Link Link
Calvin QwikSP Link Link Link Link
Dane D1935827V Link Link Link Link
Nicholas ncrxue Link Link Link Link

Draft N@tM Final plus Unit 10

Issues ready for review

Issue Contributors Description of Issue
here Brayden unit 10 + N@TM draft
here Calvin Improve ascetics and clean up website features
database Dane survey responses now stored in database
here Nicolas ...

Final evaluation criteria

PBL Issues will be evaluated for Points (4 or 5 key Issues) Show at least one to two key features that came from a Review Remember to present your Project as-if we all discovered it on the Internet. README should guide. Purpose, project history, and contributors should be easy to determine. How to use, run and how to contribute to project would be an expectation. Domain and Runtime shown in demo would be considered a requirement. Create a Poll or some other activity to Wrap Up Teacher Live Grading Thu and Fri, presentation to entire class. Presentation is expected to be about 6 to 8 minutes.

Unit 10 Individual work

Name Unit 10 work
Brayden Notes & Test Corrections
Calvin Notes / Test Corrections
Dane Notes & Test Corrections
Nicholas Notes

Individual Final (Part 1 & 2)

Issues ready for review

Issue Contributors Description of Issue Link to Video Brayden's Peer Reviews Calvin's Peer Reviews Dane's Peer Reviews Nick's Peer Reviews Average Score
Issue here Brayden My 2 things are ASCII art and factorial link here N/A 5.75/6 5.75/6 5.75/6 5.75/6
Issue Here Calvin Unit 4 and 10 and Unit 6 and 7 link here 5.75/6 N/A 6/6 6/6 /6
Issue Here Dane Individual Final Video Recording link here 5.75/6 0/6 ... 5.75/6 /6
Issue here Nicholas Individual Final video recording link here 5.75/6 5.75/6 5.75/6 N/A 5.75/6

Part 2:

Live review with Teacher (5 points),

2 points on live review topic.
1 point on my assessment of overall quality and participation in Individual Final, Part 1 & 2.
2 points Unit 9 completed and journal review.

Part 1:

Show key observation or things you have implemented that are related to College Board topics (Java). Be precise in showing relationships between work and Java unit.

Unit 4 and 10, loops and recursion with the key interests being algorithms and analysis Unit 5 and 9, focus should be on Model and building complex data relationships through modeling, this can include Databases Unit 6 and 7, structure that is managing many objects in a solution and using those relationships in View and Control Unit 8 an applications for 2D models and using these types of models in a grid or table Here is an option that is strictly PBL.

Program Design and Purpose (PBL project designs HTML/CSS/Thymeleaf, Deployment, Database/POJO be sure to cover the "Why" behind project and purpose of your code) You will prepare a video between 2:30 to 3:15 minutes. You will cover 2 topics in video. Additionally, you will prepare 1 other topic for live review during the following week with Teacher. A total of 3 topics.

All preparations need to be from your own work. These will be from CODE and should be supported by Journals, Issues, README, Preso's, etc.

Grading Plan

Make a link in Time box portion of README that contains a link to an issue/ticket that contains everyones Videos, Scrum team comments and scores. I think it would be best to have a Table with video and scores by each individual. Make sure it is intuitive to find videos and see scores, provide an average of the scores.

2 times (3 points per topic, total of 6 points). On each point. .25, .50, .75 increments can be used.

1 point. Looking for a relationship between work presented and College Board or PBL topic. Make this obvious, share CB number, topic, quiz question(s)!!! .50 for effort, .75 for CB to PBL relation, 1.0 for CBL to PBL brilliance. 1 point. Demonstrating command of Technical Topic through PBL, ie Tour of Code. (.50 PBL topic fuzzy, .75 PBL topic OK, 1.0 PBL topic shows Command) 1 point. Making the topic professional, interesting, unique. (.50 no energy / vibe in presentation, .75 well prepared, conventional 1.0 very well prepared, something unique, WOW Each Scrum team member to watch Video grade and comment in ticket/issue 3 positive comments and 1 improvement suggestion (grader receives 2 points for comments, 50% weak comments no tangible references, 75% ok comment with tangible references, 100% value added analysis

N@tM Overview plus Unit 8

Review Ticket

Issues ready for review

Issue Contributors Description of Issue
Deploy & Interactive Map Brayden I will deploy with Dane on my pi this week, make an interactive map, and help with the ASCII art image lab
[N@tM project]() Calvin Establish Key ideas and work on project
Deploy Dane Get VNC setup and deploy
Ascii Art Lab Nicholas Convert an image to grayscale, then use 2D Array to make ASCII Art

This weeks focus is to dust off and reestablish vision between Scrum Team and class on each Scrum Teams N@tM project. Remember, the focus of N@tM is to share interesting things you have learned in your 1st Trimester by way of Code that is running on a Deployed Web application.

Each team will do a 5 minute design, runtime, and feature presentation to the entire Class.

1 point. Key features planned for N@tM project (can be assisted by Documents or Slices) 2 points. Show running project, allow others to access project online 2 points. Highlight 2 or 3 completed features 3 points. ASCII art lab.

2 points. Unit 8.

Grading Plan during Reviews

Each team will create a Review Ticket to receive instant feedback on their presentation from teacher and students Teacher(s) will provide comments on how points are met (1 comment at end) Students will provide comment on highlights and improvements (1 comment at end) Scrum Master will review Unit 8 scores with Team and cite links to evidence in Message OO's to review ASCII art lab and present best version for .5, .25, .10 extra credit on top of 3 score Scrum Master will highlight best ideas from comments and present final score as the final comment in Review Ticket

Unit 8 Individual work

Name Unit 8 work
Brayden Notes & Test Corrections
Calvin Notes / Test Corrections
Dane Notes & Test Corrections
Nicholas Notes

Modeling Checkpoint plus unit 7

Issues ready for review

Week 7 review TEAM TICKET - https://github.com/D1935827V/spring_portfolio/issues/32 Issue Contributors Description of Issue Link to Video
VNC and abstract classes & greyscale Brayden (along with helping with the greyscale lab this week) I will put a VNC on my pi and deploy it week after. I will improve on my lab from last week and include abstract classes https://youtu.be/AQGBNQ6m1pE
Greyscale Calvin Work on Greyscale minilab click https://youtu.be/4E6hV8Hr4u0
tbd Dane Work on Model Improvements https://cs-a-hq.slack.com/archives/C02CF2BMH1N/p1634056608001100
RGB Image Nicholas Improved the RGB image page

RGB image work is focus in this lab. Based on Tech Talk 4.

Focus this week is on Modeling. Mini-lab is the only assigned coding for the week, however, you could try to implement all these requirement in your PBL if you can find a fit. Each team needs to complete all coding portions of this assignment, there should be clear division of work.

View/Frontend improvements 1 Pont How would you provide Gray Scale for all the images? How would you layout original pic, grayscale pic? Do they sound like similar objects? Since this is a lot of data, what would be good way to select images of your choice and show results in either original or gray? My recommendation is to try a different approach to presentation.

Control improvements 1 Point Is the lii setup being used a best practice? Can you think of some improvements? Do setup with 10 images. IMO lii is an object that "has a" list of ii's as an within in it.. Should there be two GetMappings? Try an object model that consolidates these two definitions. Based off of UI, the language should be...

Model improvements 3 Points (is-a extends, has-a is a attribute) The model throughout needs to be reworked from prototype, to something that is MORE Java like. Modeling is THE KEY element to learning Java. Please design and model the prototype to be more fully developed. an list_of_image(s)_info object (lii) has-a list of images an image_info object (ii) has-an image file, has-a list of image_property objects (contains original info, original info with watermark, grey, grey with watermark, etc) an image_property object (iprop) has-a description, has-a base64 rendering file, has-a list of RGB attributes an image_property_rgb (iprgb) object has-a has a list of RGB attributes in decimal, hexadecimal, and binary RGB attributes is-an array of 3 or 4 attributes, Hexadecimal is-a list and Binary is-an array of 3 or 4 attributes as well. What is base64? Can you name some benefits of using this versus a file in coding? This prototype for base64 implementation only supports PNG. How would you support JPEG? Please implement and try with different Image types.

Unit 7 CB scores and Corrections 3 points

Unit 7 Individual work

Name Unit 7 work
Brayden Notes & Test Corrections
Calvin Notes / Test Corrections
Dane Notes & Test Corrections
Nicholas Notes

Algorithm Extend Lab plus Unit 6

Issues ready for review

Issue Contributors Description of Issue Link to Video
factorial Brayden used recursion, running in terminal, will have it on website soon link here
[factorial]() Calvin Algo Lab link here
[tbd]() Dane ... link here
[tbd]() Nicholas ... link here

5 points. Based on TPT 5 and Tech Talk 5. Each individual will take an algorithm and implement it 4 different ways. Similar to Fibonacci (Links to an external site.) that was shared in class.

Individuals will send a DM that points to Code and Video. Video will be approximately 30 seconds and show runtime.

You must create...

  1. Abstract Class
  2. Abstract Interface
  3. Polymorphic Behavior in Class that extends
  4. A screen allowing input and showing analysis on HTML frontend

Make sure you add something unique.

3 points. Journal plus Unit 6 assignments.

Unit 6 Individual work

Name Unit 6 work
Brayden Notes & Test Corrections
Calvin Notes / Test Corrections
Dane Notes & Test Corrections
Nicholas Notes

Modeling Checkpoint plus Unit 5

Issues ready for review

Issue Contributors Description of Issue
factorial Brayden doing what dane is doing, but better
MiniLab5: greyscale and alorithm extend lab Calvin Implemented greyscale, currrent issue is with implementing greyscale for multiple imgs. Dropped MiniLab 5 after switch to algo extend lab, now constructing algorithim extend lab
Mini-Lab 4 Dane Calculate Factorial and geometric sequence
Palindrome Nicholas Add palindrome checker to About Me page, Spring MVC


*Explained fibonacci sqequence and showed multiple methods to do it Recursion iterates multiple times and exits a condition of a loop Memoize or use fast matrix exponentiation (not that important) Abstract methods: provide definitions but does not provide the implementation, which must be extended. polymorphism - the provision of a single interface to entities of different types or the use of a single symbol to represent multiple different types Abstract - means defining it later Getters and setters for git attributes


*Live Grading, individual. RGB image work is focus is this lab.

*Focus this week is on Modeling. Mini-lab is the only assigned coding for the week, however, you could try to implement all these requirement in your PBL if you can find a fit. Each person needs to complete all coding portions of this assignment, even if it is duplication, and then the individual should add to their solution to a PBL project or to their individual area.

*I will be looking at solutions and a Technical Officer (or 2, 3) to present an "official solution" to class at the next TPT. If you want to be be considered for presentation, please alert me on your solution the weekend before due date.

View/Frontend improvements 1 Pont How would you provide Gray Scale for all the images? How would you layout original pic, grayscale pic? Do they sound like similar objects? Since this is a lot of data, what would be good way to select images of your choice and show results in either original or gray? My recommendation is to try a different approach to presentation.

Control improvements 1 Point Is the lii setup being used a best practice? Can you think of some improvements? Do setup with 10 images. IMO lii is an object that "has a" list of ii's as an within in it.. *Should there be two GetMappings? Try an object model that consolidates these two definitions. Based off of UI, the language should be...

Model improvements 3 Points (is-a extends, has-a is a attribute) The model throughout needs to be reworked from prototype, to something that is MORE Java like. Modeling is THE KEY element to learning Java. Please design and model the prototype to be more fully developed. an list_of_image(s)_info object (lii) has-a list of images an image_info object (ii) has-an image file, has-a list of image_property objects (contains original info, original info with watermark, grey, grey with watermark, etc) an image_property object (iprop) has-a description, has-a base64 rendering file, has-a list of RGB attributes an image_property_rgb (iprgb) object has-a has a list of RGB attributes in decimal, hexadecimal, and binary RGB attributes is-an array of 3 or 4 attributes, Hexadecimal is-a list and Binary is-an array of 3 or 4 attributes as well. What is base64? Can you name some benefits of using this versus a file in coding? This prototype for base64 implementation only supports PNG. How would you support JPEG? Please implement and try with different Image types.

Unit 5 Individual work

Name Unit 5 work
Brayden Notes & Test Corrections
Calvin Notes / Test Corrections
Dane Notes & Test Corrections
Nicholas Notes

Prototype Sprint End and Unit 4

Issues ready for review (Prototypes/hack-a-thon)

Issue Contributors
js typewriter Brayden
color step Calvin
hack-a-thon Nic
Mini Lab 2 Hack 5 Dane


Unit 4 Individual work

Name Unit 4 work
Brayden Notes & Test Corrections
Calvin Notes / Test Corrections
Dane Test Corrections
Nicholas Test Corrections

Prototype Check and Unit 3

Issues ready for review

Issue Contributors Highlights
Mini-Lab 2 Dane Very impressive backend (Java) and frontend (HTML/Thymeleaf) design


Unit 3 Individual work

Name Unit 3 work
Brayden Notes & Test Corrections
Calvin Notes / Test Corrections
Dane Test Corrections
Nicholas Test Corrections

Pop Quiz Sep. 10, 2021

CTC: BraydenBasinger, QwikSP, D1935827V, and ncrxue

Scrum Board

Pairs and Journals

Dane & Nicholas

Calvin & Brayden

Name Github ID Tasks Scrum Board Commits Profile
Brayden BraydenBasinger Link Link Link Link
Calvin QwikSP Link Link Link Link
Dane D1935827V Link Link Link Link
Nicholas ncrxue Link Link Link Link

PBL 1-2 and Unit 2

Individual Scores:

Name Score
Brayden 5/5
Calvin 5/5
Dane 5/5
Nicholas 5/5

PBL (Individual)


Unit 2 (Individual)

Name Unit 2 work
Brayden Test Corrections
Calvin Notes / Test Corrections
Dane Test Corrections
Nicholas WIP

TBD Spring Portfolio Starter

Runtime link: TBD https://jportfolio.nighthawkcodingsociety.com/

Group Members

* Dane Vestal dvestal2012@gmail.com GitHub

* Brayden Basinger Braydenbasinger@outlook.com GitHub

* Nicholas Xue nxue2004@gmail.com GitHub

* Calvin Cheah calvin10424@gmail.com GitHub


* Dane & Nicholas

* Calvin & Brayden

Project Plan

* DNHS class review website

Project History

* Contribution History

Scrum Board

* https://github.com/D1935827V/spring_portfolio/projects/1

Visual thoughts

* Starter code should be fun and practical

* Organize with Bootstrap menu

* Add some color and fun through VANTA Visuals (birds, halo, solar, net)

* Show some practical and fun links (hrefs) like Twitter, Git, Youtube

* Show student project specific links (hrefs) per page

* Show student TPT ideas

* Show student com.example.sping_portfolio.controllers.About me pages

Getting started

* Clone project to IntelliJ

* Verify Project Structure to use a good Java JDK (adopt-openJ9-15)

* Play or entry point is Main.java, look for play option in tray. This file eanbles Spring to load

* Java source (src/main/java) had Java files. Find "controllers" path, these files enable HTTP route and HTML file relationship. Note, html

* HTML source (src/main/resources) had templates and supporting files. Find index.html as this file is launched by defaul in Spring. Other HTML files are loaded by building a "@Controller"

IDE management

* A ".gitignore" can teach a Developer a lot com.example.sping_portfolio.about Java runtime. A target directory is created when you press play button, byte code is generated and files are moved into this location.

* A "pom.xml" file can teach you a lot com.example.sping_portfolio.about Java dependencies. This is similar to "requirements.txt" file in Python. It manages packages and dependencies.