D1firehail / AdeptiScanner-GI

OCR-based inventory scanner for Genshin Impact
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Combine genshin optimizer scoring into the tool for auto lock/unlock #22

Open jindalrj opened 1 week ago

jindalrj commented 1 week ago

At the moment I have to inspect each incoming artifact, and take lock/unlock action. If there was a way to combine artifact ranking algorithms of genshin optimizer in this tool, then I could just specify a threshold of artifacts to lock (e.g. 1500) and this tool will lock the top 1500 in my inventory and unlock ones with bad scores.

Current auto-lock in genshin needs to be manually configured and one needs to constantly adjust them depending upon where they are in their artifact farming journey. This enhancement would save a lot of manual labor.

D1firehail commented 1 week ago

What should/shouldn't be locked is too subjective and/or complicated for me to consider as a feature. The kind of scoring you're asking for doesn't exist in GO, any kind of ranking of builds/artifacts is specific to the context you put in (and in the case of the Artifact Upgrader, what artifacts you currently have equipped). Even if it did exist in GO, it'd be a ton of work to add to AdeptiScanner and frankly not worth it.

I've thought about allowing lock status to be imported from a GO database and applied to the inventory. It's not to the same extent as you seem to be looking for, but it would allow managing lock status in bulk and/or in response to GO results more easily. I haven't actually added it since it doesn't fit my personal artifact workflow and I have no idea if anyone would actually use it. (Wouldn't actually have to be from GO specifically, just some tool compatible with the GOOD data format)