D1firehail / AdeptiScanner-GI

OCR-based inventory scanner for Genshin Impact
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OCR-based inventory scanner for Genshin Impact, with both a manual and automatic mode.

Please read instructions below before using. Download link for the latest version can be found here

AdeptiScanner requires some tools produced by Microsoft to work, they're commonly used in games so you're likely to already have them.

Warnings and important notes

Updating for a new version

Weapon Mode

Character import via enka.network

  1. (optional) Scan your artifacts and/or weapons
    • This lets AdeptiScanner show which characters you own but haven't imported yet
  2. Make sure your profile showcase is set to show character details
    • If you changed this setting, exit to title screen and then go back in to quickly refresh your showcase data
  3. Open the Characters tab in AdeptiScanner, enter your UID and click Fetch
  4. Change your showcased characters and repeat from step 3.
    • If you followed step 1, the text box below the Fetch button should show a list of characters you've yet to import but own according to your artifact/weapon scan results
    • You can exit to title screen and then go back in to quickly refresh your showcase data

How to prepare for scanning

  1. Setting the game to windowed mode with a resolution of 1600x900 is recommended, but not required
    • Other aspect ratios and resolutions are likely to work, but not tested to the same degree
    • Fullscreen mode works, but requires the Advanced -> Process handle features setting to be enabled (Enabled by default)
  2. Open the artifact section on your main backpack and select a 5 star artifact with a full length item description
  3. Press "Capture"
    • Make sure the preview matches the good example, if it doesn't, try moving your camera around a bit in-game to change the background and repeat again from step 2 something like this
  4. Enter your in-game name / traveler name in the Traveler Name text box.
    • Not entering this will cause any scanned artifacts that are equipped on your Traveler to be incorrectly detected as either equipped on the wrong character or not equipped at all
    • There is an equivalent setting for Wanderer name

You're now ready for manual or automatic artifact scanning

Manual scanning

  1. Follow the instructions under How to prepare for scanning. Do not move the game window and do not cover the captured area while scanning
  2. Select the artifact you wish to scan and press the Read Stats button
    • The scanner is mainly tested for 4 and 5 star artifacts. While it has the information about all tiers of artifacts, it may be unable to read some lower tier ones
  3. Repeat step 2 for every artifact you wish to manually scan

Automated scanning

Exporting results

  1. Scan artifacts using manual, automatic scanning or a combination of the two
  2. Configure the Export Filters section according to your wishes
    • You can use a template file that everything except artifact details will be copied from. To do this, place a GOOD-format json in the ScannerFiles folder and rename it to ExportTemplate.json
    • If you wish, you can combine the artifacts of multiple GOOD-format jsons with the Advanced -> Load Artifact File button. There is no duplicate detection when doing this
  3. Press the Export Results button, your results will be placed in a timestamped file in the ScannerFiles folder
    • You can change your export filters and press the export button more than once if you so wish, each export will appear as a separate file

Special information when not running as admin or without Process handle features

Click to expand ### Under these conditions, the following extra requirements apply - Fullscreen-mode genshin is not supported - The capture process cannot automatically switch focus to the game, as such the game window must not be covered during the capture process or any other feature that scans the game window - To capture the game, it must be on your primary monitor, cover the middle of said screen , and have a visible white window header (can be "faked" using notepad or similar) - Example image of meeting these conditions on a 1080p monitor ![Example window position for 1080p monitor](https://github.com/D1firehail/AdeptiScanner-GI/blob/master/1080p-example.png?raw=true)

How to contact
