D1firehail / AdeptiScanner-GI

OCR-based inventory scanner for Genshin Impact
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Scanner no longer working #3

Closed R3nierjvr closed 2 years ago

R3nierjvr commented 2 years ago

Hi I have used this last month and was fine, but sine i tried to day everything comes back as a bad result even if I upload the images directly to Genshin Optimizer it also identifies everything incorrect ????.

Using v1.1 screen res set 1600x900

I have also used other scanner same result, not sure what is happening ?

D1firehail commented 2 years ago

Without any further info I'd suspect last point of Warnings and Important notes or 4th point of How to prepare for scanning would explain/solve the issue.

If that doesn't help, enable Save Images (checkbox) and then try to do it again. You'll get some images under ScannerFiles/images that I can use to try to identify the issue.

R3nierjvr commented 2 years ago

It scans saves the images but all the values return as nul

Heres the canned images for one artifact

GenshinArtifactImgFiltered 2022-02-02 14-13-1672 GenshinArtifactImg 2022-02-02 14-13-1671

All the result return as bad and none good

all feathers come back with main stat HP% and should be Atk. and all other that has atk% come back as HP%

D1firehail commented 2 years ago

You have some form of sharpening or other image filter going on, which is causing 2 issues

  1. The left edge gets pushed a few pixels, which is barely enough to trigger an issue in my detection system.
  2. The colour of the set name gets changed too far for my detection system to pick it up.

I can probably make both of these areas more lenient so it'd work in the equivalent situation in the future, but as it's a situation already described in the readme I won't make a new release just for this. I'll likely release a new version that includes those adjustments after 2.5 drops.

For clarity, below is a copy of the part of the readme which is relevant to the problem you're having.

R3nierjvr commented 2 years ago

You have some form of sharpening or other image filter going on, which is causing 2 issues

You my friend are by far the best, quick response and you nailded it turned out I did have exactly this running


You solved and for that if I ever run into a bar and your there drinks are on the house :)