D4ario0 / rocketpdf

This is a simple CLI (Command Line Interface) that encapsulates basic pdf operations while enhancing User Experience by allowing concatenate operations.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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rocketpdf :rocket:

rocketpdf is python-based powerful CLI app that take basic pdf operations and elevates the user experience to the next level, allowing the user to not only convert and modify existing pdf files, but to chain operations and get a polished final result in a single swing!

This project "concatenates" efforts of different open-source solutions like docx2pdf, pdf2docx or typer and creates a powerful tool for quickly managing and modifying pdf files from the console.

Install :arrow_down:

pip install rocketpdf

CLI :white_check_mark:

[!TIP] It is always recommended to open a terminal inside the directory you will be working.

Command Description
parsedoc Converts .docx file into .pdf file.
parsedocxs Converts all .docx files inside a directory into .pdf files.
parsepdf Converts .pdf file into .docx file.
merge Merges multiple .pdf files into a single.pdf file.
mergeall Merges all .pdf files inside a directory into a single .pdf file.
extract Extract a certain range of pages from a .pdf file.
compress Reduces the size of .pdf file.
parsedoc ## parsedoc Converts `.docx` file into `.pdf` file. ``` bash rocketpdf parsedoc sample.docx ``` `-o`: Customize file output name. Default: `{filename}.pdf`.
parsedocxs ## parsedocxs Converts all `.docx` files inside a directory into `.pdf` files. ``` bash rocketpdf parsedocxs C:\Users\user\samples ``` Default: `{filename}.pdf`.
parsepdf ## parsepdf Converts `.pdf` file into `.docx` file. ``` bash rocketpdf parsepdf sample.pdf ``` `-o`: Customize file output name. Default: `{filename}.docx`.
merge ## merge Merges multiple `.pdf` files into a single`.pdf` file. ``` bash rocketpdf merge sample.pdf sample2.pdf sample3.pdf ``` `-o`: Customize file output name. Default: `merged.pdf`.
mergeall ## mergeall Merges all `.pdf` files inside a directory into a single `.pdf` file. ``` bash rocketpdf mergeall C:\Users\user\samples ``` `-o`: Customize file output name. Default: `{directory}-merged.pdf`.
extract ## extract Extract a certain range of pages from a `.pdf` file. ### Single page ``` bash rocketpdf extract sample.pdf 2 ``` ### Multi-page ``` bash rocketpdf extract sample.pdf 2 4 ``` `-o`: Customize file output name. Default: `{filename} page(s) # - #`
compress ## compress Reduces the size of `.pdf` file. ``` bash rocketpdf compress sample.pdf ``` `-o`: Customize file output name. Default: `{filename}-compressed.pdf`.

Command chaining :chains:

rocketpdf is a powerful tool that allows users to execute multiple commands in a single line by passing the binary result of a file onto the next operation.

Use cases

To chain multiple operations it is assumed that that the previous operations file result will be the input of the next command.

Let's download all monthly invoices into Invoices 2024 folder and compress the file for easier upload:

rocketpdf mergeall ".\Invoices 2024" compress -o Invoices_2024.pdf 

Let's convert my Resume.docx to .pdf and append my Cover_Letter.pdf

rocketpdf parsedoc Resume.docx merge Cover_Letter.pdf -o Job_Application.pdf 

Let's extract the first page of passsport.pdf and append my bank_deposit_info.pdf:

rocketpdf extract passport.pdf 1 merge bank_deposit_info.pdf -o payment_information.pdf


  • parsedoc is generally a starting command in a chain, so it cannot be used after any other operation.
  • mergeall is generally a starting command in a chain, so it cannot be used after any other operation.
  • parsedocxs is not chainable.
  • parsepdf is not chainable (for now).

Compatibility :desktop_computer:

rocketpdf is compatible with _Windows_ and _Mac_ systems with MS Word installed.

[!IMPORTANT] Unfortunately _Linux_ users cannot parse .docx files into .pdf files due to lack of libraries and support. The team (me) will be looking forward to bring a Linux-based solution in the near future.


Contributions are welcome! If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Repository

  2. Clone the Repository to your local machine:

  3. Create a Branch

  4. Make Your Changes.

  5. Commit (and Detail) Your Changes.

  6. Push your changes.

  7. Open a Pull Request from your branch to the main branch of this repository. Provide a clear and descriptive title and description for your PR.

  8. Code Review and Merge

[!IMPORTANT] Black was used as the code formatter for this project. Please ensure that your code is formatted with Black before submitting a pull request.

Install black via pip

pip install black
black {source_file_or_directory}...

Set as default formatter via VS Code extension

"[python]": {
   "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.black-formatter",
   "editor.formatOnSave": true