DAA-T1 / cmplx

A journey with complex numbers.
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A journey with complex numbers: DAA Assignment on Heapsort and Quicksort.

The Question.

Implement Heapsort and Quicksort on complex numbers, where < is defined as the L2 norm. Compare them according to their asymptotic time-space, complexity and real-time complexity. Then compare the y-component and, finally, the x-component.

Style Conventions.

This project follows the LLVM Coding Standards. Please use clang-format -style=llvm to do this.

Build System.

This project uses CMake as its build system! Please ensure that you have CMake installed on your local machine.

Building the project

Run the following commands from the project's root directory.

cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

Running executables

After building the project natively, executables such as print_hello can be run through the following command from the project root directory.



This project uses GoogleTest for unit tests. Please write unit tests for all library related code.

All test are stored in the tests directory. Follow the examples present in the tests directory especially tests/CMakeLists.txt to understand how tests are added.

Running tests

Please run the following command from the project's build directory to run all tests after building the project of course.

ctest --output-on-failure