DBCDK / dk5

DK5 Digital
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Releases are found at GitHub /releases. Each containing a link to the changelog for the given release. A consolidated changelog for all releases is found at CHANGELOG.md in the project root.
The changelog is made with github_changelog_generator and can be created with the command github_changelog_generator -u DBCDK -p tanterne -- you may need a valid GitHub token to run the command.


Elastic Search

Download Elastic Search, like: https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-6.6.1.tar.gz

Install and start it

Get data

Records are dumped from cisterne with rrdump like:

rrdump -m EXPANDED -f ISO -a 190007 -e UTF-8 -u http://rawrepo-record-service.cisterne.svc.cloud.dbc.dk -o dk5_total_iso2709



Filter only one dk5 group like (for develop/test/debug purposes only)

Load Elastic Search


After cloning the repository, run npm install to install dependencies. Copy test.env to env.env and set the environment variables (see below) to you need/liking. The application is started with npm run dev, which include nodemon in order to restart the application, when the code is changed.

When started, the application will spawn two versions of the user interface: pro and non-pro. The pro version contains a more advanced featureset targeted professional users, while the non-pro version is targeted endusers on the libraries and therefore exposes a more limited and focussed featureset. The two versions will be available on the ports specified as environment variables. See Environment variables for more info.

Build and deploy

In pipelines buildjobs for the dk5 image, and build, dump and convert dk5-data is found.

Deploy jobs is found in DBC gitlab: dk5-deploy

Dataload for staging and prod is found in DBC gitlab: dk5-dataload

Environment variables

The variables are specified at the form name : internal config object. References in the log from the startup, will use the internal config object.




See architecture.jpg