DBD-research-group / BirdSet

A benchmark dataset collection for bird sound classification
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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avian benchmark bioacoustics deeplearning

$\texttt{BirdSet}$ - A Benchmark in Avian Bioacoustics 🤗

python Hugging Face PyTorch PyTorch Lightning Config: Hydra arXiv paper

Deep learning models have emerged as a powerful tool in avian bioacoustics to assess environmental health. To maximize the potential of cost-effective and minimal-invasive passive acoustic monitoring (PAM), models must analyze bird vocalizations across a wide range of species and environmental conditions. However, data fragmentation challenges a evaluation of generalization performance. Therefore, we introduce the $\texttt{BirdSet}$ dataset, comprising approximately 520,000 global bird recordings for training and over 400 hours PAM recordings for testing in a multi-label classification setting.

Our datasets are shared via Hugging Face 🤗 Datasets in our BirdSet repository. Our accompanying code package includes modules for further data preparation, model training, and evaluation.

| | **Task** | **Description** | **# Train Recordings** | **# Test\_5s Segments** | **Pielou’s evenness J** | **# Species** | |----------------------------|----------------------------------------------|-----------------|-----------|--------------|-------|----------| | **Large Train** | [XCL](https://xeno-canto.org/) | Complete Xeno-Canto snapshot with focals for large (pre-) training. | 528,434 | - | - | 9,734 | | | [XCM](https://xeno-canto.org/) | Smaller subset of XCL only containing focals of bird species available in test datasets. | 89,798 | - | - | 409 | | **Auxiliary** | [POW](https://zenodo.org/records/4656848) | Powdermill Nature soundscape validation dataset and class-dedicated focal training subset of XCL. | 14,911 | 4,560 | 0.66 | 48 | | | [VOX](https://zenodo.org/records/1208080) | BirdVox-DCASE soundscape background dataset without bird vocalizations for augmentations. | 20,331 | - | - | - | | **Test & Dedicated Train** | [PER](https://zenodo.org/records/7079124) | Amazon Basin soundscape test dataset and class-dedicated focal training subset of XCL. | 16,802 | 15,120 | 0.78 | 132 | | | [NES](https://zenodo.org/records/7525349) | Columbia Costa Rica soundscape test dataset and class-dedicated focal training subset of XCL. | 16,117 | 24,480 | 0.76 | 89 | | | [UHH](https://zenodo.org/records/7078499) | Hawaiian Islands soundscape test dataset and class-dedicated focal training subset of XCL. | 3,626 | 36,637 | 0.64 | 25 | | | [HSN](https://zenodo.org/records/7525805) | High Sierras Nevada soundscape test dataset and class-dedicated focal training subset of XCL. | 5,460 | 12,000 | 0.54 | 21 | | | [NBP](https://link-to-birddb) | NIPS4BPlus test dataset and class-dedicated focal training subset of XCL. | 24,327 | 563 | 0.92 | 51 | | | [SSW](https://zenodo.org/records/7018484) | Sapsucker Woods soundscape test dataset and class-dedicated focal training subset of XCL. | 28,403 | 205,200 | 0.77 | 81 | | | [SNE](https://zenodo.org/records/7050014) | Sierre Nevada soundscape test dataset and class-dedicated focal training subset of XCL. | 19,390 | 23,756 | 0.70 | 56 |

User Installation 🐣

The simplest way to install $\texttt{BirdSet}$ is to clone this repository and install it as an editable package using conda and pip:

conda create -n birdset python=3.10
pip install -e .

or editable in your own repository:

pip install -e git+https://github.com/DBD-research-group/BirdSet.git#egg=birdset

Examples 🐤

We offer an in-depth tutorial notebook on how to use this repository. In the following, we provide simple code snippets:

Manual Data Preparation

You can manually download the datasets from Hugging Face. We offer a uniform metadata format but also provide flexibility on how to prepare the data (e.g. you can manually decide which events to filter from the training data). The dataset dictionary comes with:

from datasets import load_dataset, dataset, Audio

# download the dataset 
dataset = load_dataset("DBD-research-group/BirdSet","HSN")

# set HF decoder (decodes the complete file!)
dataset = dataset.cast_column("audio", Audio(sampling_rate=32_000)

BirdSet: Data Preparation :bird:

This code snippet utilizes the datamodule for an example dataset $\texttt{HSN}$.


  • downloads the data (or loads from cache)
  • preprocesses the data (event_mapping/sampling, one-hot encodes classes, create splits)
  • saves dataset to disk


  • sets up and loads the dataset for training and evaluating
  • adds set_transforms that transforms on-the-fly (decoding, augmentation etc.)
from birdset.datamodule.base_datamodule import DatasetConfig
from birdset.datamodule.birdset_datamodule import BirdSetDataModule
from datasets import load_from_disk

# initiate the data module
dm = BirdSetDataModule(
    dataset= DatasetConfig(
        data_dir='data_birdset/HSN', # specify your data directory!

# prepare the data

# manually load the complete prepared dataset (without any transforms). you have to cast the column with audio for decoding
ds = load_from_disk(dm.disk_save_path)

# OR setup the datasets with BirdSet ("test" for testdata)

# audio is now decoded when a sample is called
train_ds = dm.train_dataset
val_ds = dm.val_dataset

# get the dataloaders
train_loader = dm.train_dataloader()

More details are available in the datamodule_configs.pyand the tutorial notebook.

BirdSet: Prepare Model and Start Training :bird:

from lightning import Trainer
min_epochs = 1
max_epochs = 5
trainer = Trainer(min_epochs=min_epochs, max_epochs=max_epochs, accelerator="gpu", devices=1)

from birdset.modules.multilabel_module import MultilabelModule
model = MultilabelModule(

trainer.fit(model, dm)

Reproduce Neurips2024 Baselines 🚧

This repository is still under active development. You can access the NeurIPS 24 code at the tag neurips2024

git checkout neurips2024 

First, you have to download the background noise files for augmentations

python resources/utils/download_background_noise.py

We provide all experiment YAML files used to generate our results in the path birdset/configs/experiment/birdset_neurips24. For each dataset, we specify the parameters for all training scenario: DT, MT, and LT

Dedicated Training (DT)

The experiments for DT with the dedicated subset can be easily run with a single line:

python birdset/train.py experiment="birdset_neurips24/$Dataset/DT/$Model"

Medium Training (MT) and Large Training (LT)

Experiments for training scenarios MT and LT are harder to reproduce since they require more extensive training times. Additionally, the datasets are quite large (90GB for XCM and 480GB for XCL). Therefore, we provide the best model checkpoints via Hugging Face in the experiment files to avoid the need for retraining. These checkpoints can be executed by running the evaluation script, which will automatically download the model and perform inference on the test datasets:

python birdset/eval.py experiment="birdset_neurips24/$EXPERIMENT_PATH"

As the model EAT is not implemented in Hugging Face transformer (yet), the checkpoints are available to download from the tracked experiments on Weights and Biases LT_XCL_eat.

If you want to start the large-scale trainings and download the big training datasets, you can also employ the XCM and XCL trainings via the experiment YAML files.

python birdset/train.py experiment="birdset_neurips24/$EXPERIMENT_PATH"

After training, the best model checkpoint is saved based on the validation loss and can then be used for inference:

python birdset/eval.py experiment="birdset_neurips24/$EXPERIMENT_PATH" module.model.network.local_checkpoint="$CHECKPOINT_PATH"

Disclaimer on results: The results obtained using the eval.py script may differ from those reported in the paper. This discrepancy is because only the "best" model checkpoint was uploaded to Hugging Face, whereas the paper’s results were averaged over three different random seeds for a more robust evaluation.

Background noise

To enhance model performance we mix in additional background noise from downloaded from the DCASE18. To download the files and convert them to the correct format, run the notebook 'download_background_noise.ipynb' in the 'notebooks' folder.

Run experiments

Our experiments are defined in the configs/experiment folder. To run an experiment, use the following command in the directory of the repository:

python birdset/train.py experiment="EXPERIMENT_PATH"

Replace EXPERIMENT_PATH with the path to the experiment YAML config originating from the experiment directory. Here's a command for training an EfficientNet on HSN:

python birdset/train.py experiment="local/HSN/efficientnet.yaml"


      title={BirdSet: A Dataset and Benchmark for Classification in Avian Bioacoustics}, 
      author={Lukas Rauch and Raphael Schwinger and Moritz Wirth and René Heinrich and Denis Huseljic and Jonas Lange and Stefan Kahl and Bernhard Sick and Sven Tomforde and Christoph Scholz},