DBraun / AbletonParsing

Parse an Ableton ASD clip file (warp markers and more) in Python
MIT License
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ableton audio python rubberband time-stretching warp-markers


Parse an Ableton ASD clip file and its warp markers in Python. This module has been tested with .asd files saved with Ableton 9 and Ableton 10.


pip install abletonparsing


Clip class:

WarpMarker class:

If loop_on is false, then loop_start will equal the start_marker, and loop_end will equal the end_marker.


import abletonparsing

import librosa
import soundfile as sf
import pyrubberband as pyrb

bpm = 130.
audio_path = 'drums.wav'
clip_path = audio_path + '.asd'

audio_data, sr = librosa.load(audio_path, sr=None, mono=False)
num_samples = audio_data.shape[1]

clip = abletonparsing.Clip(clip_path, sr, num_samples)

time_map = clip.get_time_map(bpm)

# Time-stretch the audio to the requested bpm.
output_audio = pyrb.timemap_stretch(audio_data.transpose(), sr, time_map)

with sf.SoundFile('output.wav', 'w', sr, 2, 'PCM_24') as f: