DCC-EX / Support-Planning

DCC++EX Repo to hold project planning documentation and processes
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Ticket Submitted via Website #616

Closed fire-bot closed 4 months ago

fire-bot commented 6 months ago

Sent by (dccextended@gmail.com). Created by fire.

Udo created a ticket

Name: Udo Steinhoff

Email: modellbahn@diesteinhoffs.de

Timezone: 1

Software: EX-CommandStation

Version: 4.0.x

Title: WebThrottle and serial on Linux

Description: Hi, not sure that raising a ticket is the right way, but after searching through Github, Discord and the web I am stuck. WebThrottle starts under Linux / Chromium as expected. But when trying to connect to DCC++ CommandStation it does not find a serial. Under Linux the serial normally shows up as /dev/ttyUSBx or /dev/ttyACMx. I have added my user as dialout, have changed the Chrome flag. I have tried to create a softlink to a COM1 -but nothing helps. With RocRail I can reach the DCC++ CommandStation under /dev/ttyACM0 and everything works - but not with WebThrottle. have also looked into the js files, but since I am no java expert I could not find the according serial part. Any ideas ? Regards Udo

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