DCC-EX / Support-Planning

DCC++EX Repo to hold project planning documentation and processes
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Support Planning

This repository is to capture all relevant documentation, processes, and workflows related to the DCC-EX project.

The documentation is captured in the Support Planning Wiki and outlines the purpose of the various issue templates, workflows, processes, and testing information.

Issue template and workflow file locations

All files in the "Issue_Templates" folder need to reside in the https://github.com/DCC-EX/.github repository in the ".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/" folder.

The "build-text.yml" workflow must reside in the ".github/workflows/" folder in every repository requiring a build test to be performed when code is pushed and PRs are merged.

The "new-items.yml" workflow must reside in the ".github/workflows/" folder in every public repository across the entire DCC-EX GitHub organisation.