DCC-EX / Support-Planning

DCC++EX Repo to hold project planning documentation and processes
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Loco direction #636

Closed fire-bot closed 6 months ago

fire-bot commented 6 months ago

Sent by William Hendrickson (@billjhs). Created by fire.

Hello all and thanks for a wonderful product...I built up the DCC EX and got it all working great (which was very easy!) but I am having one problem that I can't quite figure out....My loco is in the opposite direction (front is back and back is front) So reverse it forward and you get the picture....What do I have to change to get the direction correct?  Is it a matter of swapping the DC polarity on the motor controller or will that mess up the controller?

Thanks in advance

Happy Holidays!!!!


habazut commented 6 months ago

If you swap the leads to the decoder, nothing happens (DCC is AC). If you swap the leads to the motor it will rn in the other direction but the light will not change If you swap the light leads the light will change but not the direction.

So try to do it in software. Read CV29 and then if that value is odd, subtract one and write back. If the value is even, add one and write it back.

See your decoder manual, description of lowest bit of CV29.
