DCC-EX / Support-Planning

DCC++EX Repo to hold project planning documentation and processes
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Ticket Submitted via Website #661

Open fire-bot opened 3 months ago

fire-bot commented 3 months ago

Sent by (dccextended@gmail.com). Created by fire.

Julian created a ticket

Name: Julian

Email: 5er@posteo.net

Timezone: 1

Software: EX-CommandStation

Version: 4.0.x

Title: Command station on ESP32 - Overcurrent warning on main Track resets in loop

Description: Dear DCC-EX people, first of all - thank you for making such a great command station! I am enjoying it since more than a year. I have now tried to change my setup from an Arduino Uno to a Wemos D1 R32 Board combined with an Arduino R3 motor shield. The required resistor and jumpers are in place and the pins bent. The command station works with wifi and USB. But when power to the tracks is enabed, mail track power turns on an off intermittently. Prog. track is consistently on. Do you have any hint for me, what might cause the overcurrent warning? There is definitely no short between the tracks. Might it be possible to swap prog and main track? Everything works if I exchange the R32 with an Uno. The log: < TRACK A CURRENT (100msec ignore) 1685mA > < TRACK A NORMAL (after 20msec/74msec) 0mA > < TRACK A ALERT 1845mA > < TRACK A NORMAL (after 20msec/39msec) 0mA > < TRACK A ALERT 1834mA > < TRACK A NORMAL (after 20msec/108msec) 0mA > < TRACK A ALERT 1862mA > Thank you and best regards, Julian

Remaining email Quota: 99

habazut commented 3 months ago

What GPIO pin do you use for tack A current sense and what voltage do you measure on that?

Yes, you can change what A and B tracks do.

<= A NONE> <= B MAIN>

<1> You can as well jumper current sense for track A to a completely different pin and use a custrom motor driver definition. Harald.