DCC-EX / Support-Planning

DCC++EX Repo to hold project planning documentation and processes
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Ticket Submitted via Website #662

Closed fire-bot closed 3 months ago

fire-bot commented 3 months ago

Sent by (dccextended@gmail.com). Created by fire.

RALLON created a ticket

Name: RALLON Guillaume

Email: rallon.guillaume@gmail.com

Timezone: 1

Software: EX-CommandStation

Version: 4.0.x

Title: Inquiry about rail connexion to DRV8874

Description: Hello, I use DCC-EX command station and your project is just incredible ! It's my firsts steps in DCC operations. So I have just a question. As I have a DRV8874 as recommended I'd like to know if there is a prefered way to connect left and right rails to the green plugs of the drivers. I know that it will work whatever the choice, but is there a standard connexion ? (especially to install braking diodes) Best regards Guillaume

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