DCC-EX / Support-Planning

DCC++EX Repo to hold project planning documentation and processes
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EX-Motor Shield Licence inquiry #679

Open fire-bot opened 2 months ago

fire-bot commented 2 months ago

Sent by Matthias Rüger (gm@matthiasrueger.com). Created by fire.

Dear DCC-EX Team,

I would like to take part in Your licence program for the Motor Shield Your team has developed, for the Germany market. I would not sell the same Design but a substantially optimized and extended Version of it. As You only get yearly Donations from me, this might be a way to increase that amount depending on the numbers sold.

Please forward to me the Details.

With best regards,

Matthias Rueger

Matthias Rüger

Uhlandstr. 1

74232 Abstatt

Tel.: 07062 9288932

Fax: 07062 5134996

E-Mail: gm@matthiasrueger.com

Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE341324295

WEEE-Nr.: DE43541249