DCC-EX / Support-Planning

DCC++EX Repo to hold project planning documentation and processes
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Ticket Submitted via Website #687

Closed fire-bot closed 3 weeks ago

fire-bot commented 1 month ago

Sent by (dccextended@gmail.com). Created by fire.

Luciano created a ticket

Name: Luciano Rossi

Email: lucianorossi205@gmail.com

Timezone: 0

Software: EX-CommandStation

Version: 4.0.x

Title: Protection in case of short circuit on the Tracks

Description: I have verified that in the event of a short circuit on the tracks the Comman Station does not provide protection. I expect that in the event of a short circuit the commandstation goes in OFF condition, and shall be returned manually in ON condition after removed rhe short circuit. Hardware used: Elegoo Mega 2560 Semify Ex Motorshield8874 Dispay Oled 20x4 Thank you

Remaining email Quota: 96

Ash-4 commented 1 month ago

Attach a .txt file with the startup log and with the log following, which happens as you attempt to quickly short the tracks. I use a very thin wire, such as one strand of a small stranded wire. It will get hot, perhaps melt, but should be enough for you to see messages in the log.

This check should be done on each of the Tracks. A, B, etc. to verify that current sensing and overcurrent protection is functional.

Also verify that your overcurrent trip setting is no higher than 90% of your track power supply.

If you are not using at least vesion 5.0, please upgrade your DCC-EX command station to the latest production or development version.