Title: Error Message Track A (and B) Fault PIN detected after (time)msec.
Description: My DCC EX controller is not powering my locomotives. When using the WebThrottle page, I get this error message when I turn the track on: "Track A (and B) Fault PIN detected after (time)msec. " I tested out a locomotive the night before that I believe has a bad decoder... when I attempted to get the locomotive's ID, it would cause the whole controller to trip/reset. Have I damaged something? The controller and all components are new -- I put it together and have only been using it to test/program locomotives.
Sent by (dccextended@gmail.com). Created by fire.
William created a ticket
Name: William Lyons
Email: wtlyons38@gmail.com
Timezone: -6
Software: EX-CommandStation
Version: 4.0.x
Title: Error Message Track A (and B) Fault PIN detected after (time)msec.
Description: My DCC EX controller is not powering my locomotives. When using the WebThrottle page, I get this error message when I turn the track on: "Track A (and B) Fault PIN detected after (time)msec. " I tested out a locomotive the night before that I believe has a bad decoder... when I attempted to get the locomotive's ID, it would cause the whole controller to trip/reset. Have I damaged something? The controller and all components are new -- I put it together and have only been using it to test/program locomotives.
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