DCC-EX / Support-Planning

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ESP32 and DCC-EX Questions #708

Closed fire-bot closed 1 month ago

fire-bot commented 1 month ago

Sent by Ken White (chemdoc77@gmail.com). Created by fire.

Dear Sir or Madam:

Could you please direct me to any web pages that show how to use the ESP32 MCU with DCC-EX.

I would like to use the Lolin D32 MCU with the EX-MotorShield8874 and with the L298N Driver Board and your DCC-EX.

Could you please direct me to any websites that show how to wire an ESP32 MCU to the EX-MotorShield8874 and how to wire an ESP32 MCU to the L298N Driver Board for use with DCC-EX.

Could you please direct me to any websites that have the code to use the ESP32 MCU with the aforementioned boards with DCC-EX.

FYI, I have many years experience with the Lolin D32 MCU with the FastLED library where I am a moderator on the FastLED subreddit. I would be happy to work with your group to make the Lolin D32 MCU work with your DCC-EX code and the aforementioned boards.

I am an n scale model railroader.

Thank you for your help.

Best Regards,


Ash-4 commented 1 month ago

At this time, ESP32-WROOM discussion is in the beta-testers channel on the discord server. Use the 'open a ticket' option and request access to the beta-testers channel. https://dcc-ex.com/support/index.html#preferred-option-discord

chemdoc77 commented 1 month ago

Can I please get access to the beta-testers channel on the discord server? I am on Discord as chemdoc77.

Ash-4 commented 1 month ago

You have 3 IDs on the dcc-ex discord server. Please request access there. Use the 'open a ticket' option and request access to the beta-testers channel.