DCC-EX / Support-Planning

DCC++EX Repo to hold project planning documentation and processes
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Information on Feedback #714

Open fire-bot opened 1 month ago

fire-bot commented 1 month ago

Sent by cyrille.pilon (cy.pi.na@free.fr). Created by fire.


J’ai une carte WeMOS Mega + WiFi R3 ATmega2560 + ESP8266 USB-TTL for NodeMCU Arduino Mega | WEMOS Mega + WiFi R3 ATmega2560 + ESP8266 (m�moire de 32 MB), USB-TTL CH340G. Mega Compatible, NodeMCU, WeMos ESP8266. La version DCC-ex actuelle install�e est 5.0.7

J’ai ajout� une EX-MotorShield8874.

Je voudrais inc�rer de la retrosignalisation S88 g�r� par Rocrail .J’ai beaucoup de cantons sur mon r�seau ferroviaire.

Avez-vous une solution ?

Merci d’avance Mr Pilon


I have a WeMOS Mega + WiFi R3 ATmega2560 + ESP8266 USB-TTL for NodeMCU Arduino Mega | WEMOS Mega + WiFi R3 ATmega2560 + ESP8266 (32 MB memory), USB-TTL CH340G. Mega Compatible, NodeMCU, WeMos ESP8266. The current DCC-ex version installed is 5.0.7

I added an EX-MotorShield8874.

I would like to include S88 feedback managed by Rocrail. I have many cantons on my railway network.

Do you have a solution ?

Thank you in advance Mr Pilon