DCC-EX / Support-Planning

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dcc-ex new setup #731

Open fire-bot opened 3 weeks ago

fire-bot commented 3 weeks ago

Sent by Adrian Calugaru (calugaruadrian@gmail.com). Created by fire.

hi guys,

I need a bit of help - i have the below setup:

- Arduino Mega 2560 (clone)

- Arduino Motor shield

- 12v 2A power for the shield

- 5v 1A for arduino

When i power on the motor shield, on the locomotive i can hear like a screech and it's not finding the address.

i've used the troubleshooting steps:

- i get around 5v vc and 6v ac

- attached the output of the serial monitor

Locomotive is using a Plux 16 decoder.

Thank you



  1. arduino-out
Ash-4 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for providing the log. Confirm that the power supply provides DC voltage. Measure the DC voltage of the track power supply. Send the power command <1> and measure DC voltage on each rail vs GND. Should be about 50% of track power supply.

Pins 3, 11 should be 5V DC when power is ON. pins 12, 13 should be 2.5V DC pins 8, 9 should be 0V turn off power <0> power tracks separately and check track voltage again -- this will confirm which output is the programming track

<1 PROG> <0> <1 MAIN>