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output Symbols in the compiler #189

Open patflick opened 11 years ago

patflick commented 11 years ago

just that i don't forget or loose the info:

(14:11:38) hachque: also r4d2
(14:11:41) hachque: can you get the C compiler
(14:11:48) hachque: to output symbols telling the debugger where C variables exist?
(14:11:50) hachque: in each scope
(14:12:15) hachque: you just write out .SYMBOL <string>
(14:12:20) hachque: and you format it however you want
(14:12:21) hachque: so maybe like
(14:12:31) hachque: c:scope:enter
(14:12:31) r4d2: where it is declared?
(14:12:32) DCPUToolchain_BB: build #142 of build_for_linux is complete: Failure [failed Run make]  Build details are at http://bb.dcputoolcha.in:8080/builders/build_for_linux/builds/142  blamelist: James Rhodes <jrhodes@redpointsoftware.com.au>
(14:12:41) hachque: c:variable:hello:Y+5
(14:12:42) Lord_DeathMatc left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
(14:12:54) r4d2: Y+5 being what?
(14:13:00) hachque: or c:variable:offset:hello:Y+5 / c:variable:size:hello:1
(14:13:10) hachque: Y+5 being the memory address of the variable
(14:13:13) r4d2: oh
(14:13:13) hachque: at runtime
(14:13:17) r4d2: k
(14:13:18) hachque: like, what assembly is using to access it
(14:13:27) r4d2: and this everytime i access a variable?
(14:13:37) r4d2: for every line in c code?
(14:13:39) hachque: everytime a variable comes into scope
(14:13:41) r4d2: or only for declarations?
(14:13:50) r4d2: so for declarations
(14:13:55) hachque: yeah
(14:13:57) r4d2: k
(14:13:59) r4d2: yea i can do that