DCPUTeam / DCPUToolchain

[ARCHIVED] The code repository for the DCPU-16 Toolchain.
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Windows-Linux case-sensitivity inconsistency on naming #222

Closed orlof closed 11 years ago

orlof commented 11 years ago

define TEST 0xbeef

set [test], 0

Shouldn't the case sensitivity be handled consistently for tool chain to be platform independent? (IMHO linux case sensitivity is better)

Mause commented 11 years ago

That shouldn't change depending on whether or not the filesystem is case sensitive o.o

ghost commented 11 years ago

but there should be case sensitivity.

hach-que commented 11 years ago

Check this line: https://github.com/DCPUTeam/DCPUToolchain/blob/master/libdcpu-pp/directives/asm/define.c#L373

In the definitions in the main initialization block, the case_sensitivity field is set where as for definitions it's omitted. Thus under different platforms (and even different runs), this won't be initialized correctly and could be either true or false.

hach-que commented 11 years ago

This should now be fixed.