DDMAL / CantusDB

A new site for Cantus Database running under Django.
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List of Genres: alphabetization should be case-insensitive #894

Open JoyfulGen opened 11 months ago

JoyfulGen commented 11 months ago

The Lists of Feasts (this includes the list of all feasts as well as only the temporale and only the sanctorale) are ordered by alphabetic order of feast name, except that capital letters are currently taking precedence; a capital "Z" comes before a lowercase "a" and that muddles the system somewhat. Behold:

NewCantus temporale list

You can see that the alphabet thing is solid until Ad Processionem, after which the third letter becomes lowercase (Ad aquam benedictio) and the alphabet starts all over again. Maybe this is preferable, but OldCantus doesn't take capitalization into account, so I thought I'd mention it.

This is the same list on OldCantus, for reference:

OldCantus temporale list
JoyfulGen commented 11 months ago

Also, as you can see from the screenshots above, NewCantus has 521 temporale feasts, whereas OldCantus has 785. Is this important?

JoyfulGen commented 11 months ago

Another update: the capitalization thing also applies to the list of Genres. "AV" comes before "Ag" in NewCantus because the V is capitalized.

jacobdgm commented 11 months ago

nice catch - thanks!

annamorphism commented 11 months ago

Also, as you can see from the screenshots above, NewCantus has 521 temporale feasts, whereas OldCantus has 785. Is this important?

I will look into this! It seems like a whole bunch of feasts have been reclassified as sanctorale instead of temporale but I haven't yet looked to see which ones.

JoyfulGen commented 11 months ago

Another update: the capitalization thing also applies to the list of Genres. "AV" comes before "Ag" in NewCantus because the V is capitalized.

Sorry to reopen this issue, but the above is still true!

jacobdgm commented 11 months ago

Good point - this is currently fixed for feasts, but not for genres.