DDMAL / CantusDB

A new site for Cantus Database running under Django.
MIT License
5 stars 6 forks source link


Cantus Database is a database of the Latin chants found in manuscripts and early printed books, primarily from medieval Europe. The main web site, running code on the production branch, can be seen at https://cantusdatabase.org. The staging server, running code on the staging branch, can be found at

Documentation for the project, including documentation on Cantus Database's APIs, can be found in the Wiki.

OldCantus vs. NewCantus

This repository contains code for "NewCantus," an updated version of Cantus Database built in Django. "OldCantus", built in Drupal, can be accessed at https://cantus.uwaterloo.ca.

Discrepancies between text stored in the CantusDB database and the manuscript text are compiled by testers in the following Google Spreadsheets:

Differences in functionality/behavior:

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