DE-RSE / un-deRSE23-breakouts

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RSE Educational Resource Discoverability #18

Closed fiveop closed 7 months ago

fiveop commented 1 year ago

One of the tasks of RSE (associated) departments is education. This duty necessitates the creation and use of educational resources. As for other products of work in academia, there are open publications of such resources: open educational resources (OER). For other products, such as software, articles, and data, there exist tools and standards that help with discoverability (or they are actively worked on).

I want to use this session to discuss…

It would be helpful if those that are interested in participating will (just like I) prepare answers or contributions to the first two questions.

I expect each of the three questions to take up a similar amount of time. Given a 90 minute slot and taking into account sufficient time for breaks and logistics, that would result in around 20 minutes of discussion and 5 minutes of consolidation per question.

The goal is to create the basis for an (initially) informal group to continue to work on this topic.

Potential Collaborators:

@schlauch @tobyhodges

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

I added a label to this break-out. Can you check if you feel it is appropriate and change it if not? Let me know if you have any questions.

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

So what I need from you to be able to make a decision on this breakout are the following infos:

Who could be interested in collaborating on this?

@schlauch @tobyhodges

How much time do you need for this?

90 minutes


One of the tasks of RSE (associated) departments is education. This duty necessitates the creation and use of educational resources. As for other products of work in academia, there are open publications of such resources: open educational resources (OER). For other products, such as software, articles, and data, there exist tools and standards that help with discoverability (or they are actively worked on).

I want to use this session to discuss…

It would be helpful if those that are interested in participating will (just like I) prepare answers or contributions to the first two questions.

fiveop commented 1 year ago

I added the collaborators to the issue description and will add an abstract tomorrow.

If both and this proposal get into the program, could you please not schedule them at the same time.

fiveop commented 1 year ago

Is the part above the first horizontal line in the issue description too long? Otherwise I would submit that as the abstract.

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

That is fine :)

Can you fill everything in by Tuesday morning? That would be excellent 😃

fiveop commented 1 year ago

Done (I think)

CaptainSifff commented 1 year ago

Just making you aware of the collection we did in february:

fiveop commented 1 year ago

Thank you

pancetta commented 1 year ago

Hi! I just added the "Accepted" label to this BOS. Welcome on board!

pancetta commented 10 months ago

Hi all, the unconference is only 3 weeks away now! On day 1 there will be a breakout blitz where all session organizers should advertise their sessions. 1 minute, 1 slide, let people know what you intend to do. Please prepare this slide in advance and add it right here (PDF please), by September 20.

fiveop commented 10 months ago


pancetta commented 9 months ago

Here is the main hub for taking notes:

pancetta commented 9 months ago

Have fun with the session(s)! Please add the pad you're using also here for people to see what you did.

If possible, please prepare a 1 minute wrap up of your session for the farewell session on Thursday afternoon! What did you do in the session, how would you like to continue, how can people contribute after the unconference etc. We'll go through the blitz slides again one by one as in the blitz session.

fiveop commented 9 months ago

fiveop commented 7 months ago
