DE-RSE / un-deRSE23-breakouts

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deRSE23 unconference break-outs

Welcome to the repository for the deRSE Unconference 2023 break-out sessions.

:stop_sign: :construction: Submission for new break-outs is now closed. Please only discuss existing break-outs (open issues). :construction: :stop_sign:

(For short talks please see

Form the program

We will form the program of this event together :handshake: Please post ideas for sessions as issues. You need to have a GitHub account in order to do so.

:information_desk_person: Please make sure that your break-out session ideas are understandable to everyone. We come from different fields. Use as little jargon as possible. :information_desk_person:

We will review proposals in a two-stage process. On May 15 no more new issues are accepted. Until May 29 the existing proposals for sessions can still be discussed, merged, closed, or finalized. We will decide on the final program based on what we have after this second deadline.

If you run into any problems with this process, please contact the program chairs Heidi Seibold and/or Robert Speck.