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Literate package development using Julia and Pluto.jl #20

Open andreasKroepelin opened 1 year ago

andreasKroepelin commented 1 year ago

Literate package development using Julia and Pluto.jl

I propose a workshop in which we look into how to use Pluto notebooks to develop Julia packages in a way that tightly integrates implementation and exploration of scientific code.


Software development in a scientific context is often initiated by a phase of "playing around" with the research subject at hand and trying out different approaches to solving a problem in an explorative way. For this, notebooks (such as Jupyter) provide a powerful tool to combine pieces of code with explanatory text (often stylable using some markup language) and outputs such as visualisations. They therefore allow for quick computational feedback and rapid iteration cycles. If done right, such a notebook can also read as conveniently as a chapter in a textbook, guiding the reader through the possibly intricate details of the implementation.

Often, scientific code is not meant to solve the one particular instance of a problem that is typically found in a notebook, however. Say, you begin your research by analysing one specific data set but later you want to create a general implementation of your solution that others can use as a package. In this case, you would normally have to extract parts of the notebook and create a separate entity of code that then becomes the package. When the exploration continues in the notebook later, this portation has to happen again and again.

As a consequence, it can be very beneficial if the notebook environment allows for the notebook to be "normal" code that can be executed without the environment. For Jupyter notebooks and their JSON based format, this is rather complicated. The aforementioned Pluto notebooks, however, are stored as regular Julia code can therefore actually be used for package development: The developer has to maintain a single entity of code that serves as the place for exploration, for tests, and for a reusable implementation. Based on ideas of Donald Knuth, this concept is sometimes called literate programming.

Plan for the workshop

This workshop will have roughly the following agenda:

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

Thanks @andreasKroepelin

How much time do you think you'll need for this?

Is this intended as a workshop, where you are the trainer and people learn from you? Or is this something you would like to learn with others?

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

I added a label to this break-out. Can you check if you feel it is appropriate and change it if not? Let me know if you have any questions.

andreasKroepelin commented 1 year ago

So if we are talking about multiples of 90 minutes here, then I would suggest either 90 or 180 minutes, but rather 90 minutes. It is indended as a workshop where the audience can learn the mentioned subjects from me. The label "learning" feels appropriate.

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

Excellent thanks 👍

So what I need from you to be able to make a decision on this breakout are the following infos:

Who could be interested in collaborating on this?

(feel free to tag them with their GitHub username if they have one)

How much time do you need for this?

90 minutes


(Can be short)

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

Hi @andreasKroepelin can you please respond by Tuesday morning, thanks 😃

andreasKroepelin commented 1 year ago


@trahflow is a potential collaborator for this workshop.


90 minutes


Writing code to interactively explore a research problem and writing code to develop a reusable package are often two very different things, leading to a lot of rewriting and potentially diverging code bases. In this workshop, we will explore how to use Pluto.jl notebooks and the Julia programming language to make the notebook be the package implementation. This allows us to have exploration, explanation, and implementation in one place, facilitating very readable and maintainable code.

pancetta commented 1 year ago

Hi! I just added the "Accepted" label to this BOS. Welcome on board!

BeastyBlacksmith commented 1 year ago

Hi @andreasKroepelin, since we both do julia related sessions ( mine is #3 ), what would you think of I am joining yours as a helper and vice versa?

Best, Simon

andreasKroepelin commented 1 year ago

Sounds like a great idea! Let us discuss details some day.

pancetta commented 1 year ago

Hi all, the unconference is only 3 weeks away now! On day 1 there will be a breakout blitz where all session organizers should advertise their sessions. 1 minute, 1 slide, let people know what you intend to do. Please prepare this slide in advance and add it right here (PDF please), by September 20.

andreasKroepelin commented 1 year ago

Here you can find the overview slide.

pancetta commented 1 year ago

Here is the main hub for taking notes:

trahflow commented 1 year ago

just a quick note that I will do the breakout blitz, since @andreasKroepelin will arrive late.

pancetta commented 1 year ago

Have fun with the session(s)! Please add the pad you're using also here for people to see what you did.

If possible, please prepare a 1 minute wrap up of your session for the farewell session on Thursday afternoon! What did you do in the session, how would you like to continue, how can people contribute after the unconference etc. We'll go through the blitz slides again one by one as in the blitz session.