DE-RSE / un-deRSE23-breakouts

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HERMES Code Sprint #4

Open led02 opened 1 year ago

led02 commented 1 year ago

The HERMES project will have it's first release by end of June. However, we have already identified a lot of features that are posponed. On top, we want to help people to integration hermes into their projects and write custom extensions.

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

Thanks @led02 for proposing this! Can people who are not involved in the project yet join this break-out?

led02 commented 1 year ago

Sure thing. Especially for people, who want to use the HERMES workflow, this is a good opportunity to get in touch with the core developers. But we're also happy if new contributors want to join our team - even if only temporarly during the break out session. We will be prepared with lot's of well-defined issues... :)

pancetta commented 1 year ago

Hi @led02, very good idea, thanks! As we're (slowly) moving toward more specific submissions, could you please add more details to the proposal? We'd need 1-3 people responsible for the BOS, a short abstract/appetizer incl. stuff attendees can take away from that and so on. Also, please start adding people here who would like to participate actively.

poikilotherm commented 1 year ago

I fully support this proposal and will be glad to join the hacking!

pancetta commented 1 year ago

Hi again! Could you please update the description with a little bit more details: a short abstract/appetizer incl. stuff attendees can take away from that, how long this should be (we plan with slots of 90 minutes with the default length of 1 slot).

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

I added a label to this break-out. Can you check if you feel it is appropriate and change it if not? Let me know if you have any questions.

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

Could you please answer the following questions for me (by Monday)?

Who could be interested in collaborating on this?

(feel free to tag them with their GitHub username if they have one)

How much time do you need for this?

(90 minutes or multiples thereof)


(Can be short)

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

Hi @led02 can you please respond by Tuesday morning, thanks 😃

HeidiSeibold commented 1 year ago

Hi @led02 and @poikilotherm, I need feedback from you asap or I cannot plan your session 🤓

led02 commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for being unresponsive. So here is your input:

Who could be interested in collaborating on this?

How much time do you need for this?


In this session, we want to bring together users, developers and contributors of the hermes workflow and tool. This is a great opportunity to get started with automated software publication. It is also great to start or continue the development of extensions to the hermes tool or set up custom / research facility specific workflows.

After a short introduction about what hermes provides and how it is developed, we go hands on - so bing your own software, you want to publish; bing your ideas of metadata sources you want to harvest; bring your repository you want to publish to...

pancetta commented 1 year ago

Hi! I just added the "Accepted" label to this BOS. Welcome on board!

pancetta commented 1 year ago

Hi all, the unconference is only 3 weeks away now! On day 1 there will be a breakout blitz where all session organizers should advertise their sessions. 1 minute, 1 slide, let people know what you intend to do. Please prepare this slide in advance and add it right here (PDF please), by September 20.

poikilotherm commented 1 year ago


pancetta commented 1 year ago

Here is the main hub for taking notes:

pancetta commented 1 year ago

Have fun with the session(s)! Please add the pad you're using also here for people to see what you did.

If possible, please prepare a 1 minute wrap up of your session for the farewell session on Thursday afternoon! What did you do in the session, how would you like to continue, how can people contribute after the unconference etc. We'll go through the blitz slides again one by one as in the blitz session.