DEED1T / todolist-app

School project of a todolist app coded in Java SpringBoot
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Webservice usage with curl command

Endpoint Type Attributes Expected Response Description
/api/todos GET None JSON array of all tasks Retrieve all tasks
/api/todo GET id (long) JSON object of the task with the specified ID Retrieve a task by its ID
/api/addTodo POST titre (string), texte (string) JSON object of the created task Create a new task with a title and text
/api/deleteTodo DELETE id (long) None Delete a task by its ID
/api/updateTodo PATCH id (long), titre (string, optional), texte (string, optional) JSON object of the updated task or error message Update a task's title and/or text by its ID

Can be used with these domain names :


Get all tasks :

curl -X GET "" -H "Accept: application/json"

Get a task by ID:

curl -X GET "<task-id>" -H "Accept: application/json"

Add a new task:

curl -X POST "<task-title>&texte=<task-text>" -H "Accept: application/json"

Delete a task by ID:

curl -X DELETE "<task-id>"

Update a task by ID:

curl -X PATCH "<task-id>&titre=<new-title>&texte=<new-text>" -H "Accept: application/json"

Prometheus Query

To measure the number of requests per second when a task is created, you can use the following Prometheus query:



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This domain is no longer accessible