DEMCON / libstored

Generator for a store--a set of variables--to be embedded in an application, with fast store access via C++ and VHDL, data synchronization between processes, and remote access for the Embedded Debugger.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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cmake debugger debugging embedded microcontroller protocol synchronization zeromq

.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2024 Jochem Rutgers

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0

.. image:: :alt: CI :target:



What is it?

A generator for a C++ class (store) with your application's variables, and a
tool set to synchronize updates between processes (including FPGA), and debug
it remotely.  See also the presentation_.

When do I need it?

When you have a distributed application in need of synchronization, and/or you want to be able to inspect and modify internal data of a running application.

Does it work on my platform?


Huh? But how you do know my hardware architecture?

I don't. You have to supply the drivers for your (hardware) communication interfaces, but everything else is ready to use.

Great! How do I use it?

Have a look at the examples_.

Table of contents

- `Introduction`_
- `libstored - Store by description`_
- `libstored - Store on a distributed system`_
- `libstored - Store for Embedded Debugger`_
   - `Example`_
   - `Embedded Debugger protocol`_
- `How to build`_
   - `How to integrate in your build`_
- `License`_


Data is at the core of any application. And data is tricky, especially when it
changes.  This library helps you managing data in three ways:

1. Using a simple language, you can define which variables, types, etc., you
   need. Next, a C++ class is generated, with these variables, but also with
   iterators, run-time name lookup, synchronization hooks, and more. This is
   your *store*. Additionally, a VHDL implementation is generated too, such
   that the store can also be used on an FPGA.
2. These stores can be synchronized between different instances via arbitrary
   communication channels.  So, you can build a distributed system over multiple
   processes or hardware nodes like microcontrollers and FPGAs, via lossy and
   lossless channels, over TCP, CAN, serial, you name it. When some node writes
   to its store, this update is distributed through your application.
3. The store can be accessed via a debugging protocol. Using this protocol, all
   objects in the store can be read/written or sampled at high frequency for nice
   plots. It offers streams to have a sort of stdout redirection or debugging
   output from your application. The protocol is ASCII based, and usable via
   PuTTY, for example.  However, there is GUI and CLI implementation available,
   which can be extended easily to build your custom (Qt) debugging GUI.

See next sections for details, but the following is worth to mention here:

- All code is normal C++, there are no platform-dependent constructs used.
  Therefore, all platforms are supported: Windows/Linux/Mac/bare
  metal (newlib), x86/ARM, gcc/clang/MSVC/armcc).
- The VHDL implementation is also generic, but only developed for Xilinx (using
- The store and all other libstored classes are not thread-safe.
  Using threads is troubling anyway, use fibers_ instead.

Have a look in the examples_ directory for further in-depth reading.
Refer to the documentation_ for the C++ API.
See also the presentation_.

libstored - Store by description

The store is described in a simple grammar.  See the examples_ directory for
more explanation. This is just an impression of the syntax:

.. code::

   // Comment
   // Grammar: type:size[array]=initializer long name with any character

   uint32 some int
   int8=42 another int, which is initialized
   (uint64) time (s)

      bool=true b
      double[2] numbers
      string:16 s
   } scope

The generated store (C++ class) has variables that can be accessed like this:

.. code:: cpp

   mystore.some_int = 10;
   int i = mystore.another_int_which_is_initialized;
   mystore.scope__b = false;

The store has a few other interesting properties:

- Objects can have a piece of memory as backing (just like a normal variable in
  a ``struct``), but can also have custom callbacks on every get and set. This
  allows all kinds of side effects, even though the interface of the object is
  the same.
- Objects are accessible using a C++ interface, but also via name lookup by
  string. The generator generates a compact name parser, such that names,
  types, and sizes can be queried dynamically.
- A store is not thread-safe. This seems a limitation, but really, applications
  without threads are way easier to build and debug.

libstored - Store on a distributed system

Synchronization is tricky to manage. libstored helps you by providing a
stored::Synchronizer class that manages connections to other Synchronizers.
Between these Synchronizers, one or more stores can be synchronized.  The (OSI)
Application layer is implemented, and several other (OSI) protocol layers are
provided to configure the channels as required. These protocols are generic and
also used by the debugger interface. See next section for details.

The store provides you with enough hooks to implement any distributed memory
architecture, but that is often way to complicated. The default Synchronizer is
simple and efficient, but has the following limitations:

- Only instances of the exact same store can be synchronized. This is checked
  using a SHA-1 hash over the .st file of the store. That is fine if you
  compile your program at once, but harder to manage if components are not
  built in the same compile run.
- Writes to a variable in a store should only be done by one process.  If
  multiple processes write to the same variable, the outcome of the
  synchronization is undefined. However, you would have a data race in your
  application anyway, so this is in practice probably not really a limitation.

See the documentation_ for more details.

The topology is arbitrary, as long as every store instance has one root, where
it gets its initial copy from. You could, for example, construct the following


Assume that A is the first node, of all other nodes gets the initial copy from.
So, D registers at A, then E gets it from D, F from E, etc. After setup, any
node can write to the same store (but not to the same variable in that store).
So, updates from H are first pushed to D. The D pushes them to A, E and G, and
so on.

Different stores can have different topologies for synchronization, and
synchronization may happen at different speed or interval. Everything is
possible, and you can define it based on your application's needs.

The example `8_sync`_ implements an application with two
stores, which can be connected arbitrarily using command line arguments. You
can play with it to see the synchronization.

The store implementation in VHDL integrates a Synchronizer instance.  However,
it cannot be used as in intermediate node in the topology as described above;
the FPGA has to be a leaf.

libstored - Store for Embedded Debugger

If you have an embedded system, you probably want to debug it on-target.  One
of the questions you often have, is what is the value of internal variables of
the program, and how can I change them?  Debugging using ``gdb`` is great, but it
pauses the application, which also stops control loops, for example.

Using libstored, you can access and manipulate a running system.
The (OSI-stack) Application layer of this debugging interface is provided by
libstored. Additionally, other layers are available to support lossless and
lossy channels, which fit to common UART and CAN interfaces.  You have to
combine, and possibly add, and configure other (usually hardware-specific)
layers of the OSI stack to get the debugging protocol in and out of your
system.  Although the protocol fits nicely to ZeroMQ, a TCP stream, or ``stdio``
via terminal, the complexity of integrating this depends on your embedded
device.  However, once you implemented this data transport, you can access the
store, and observe and manipulate it using an Embedded Debugger (PC) client.
Moreover, the protocol supports arbitrary streams (like stdout) from the
application to the client, and has high-speed tracing of store variables. These
streams are optionally heatshrink_ compressed.  libstored provides Python
classes for your custom scripts, a CLI and GUI interface.

Your application can have one store with one debugging interface, but also
multiple stores with one debugging interface, or one store with multiple
debugging interfaces -- any combination is possible.

It seems to be a duplicate to have two synchronization protocols, but both have
a different purpose.  For synchronization, a binary protocol is used, which
only synchronizes data, using memory offsets, and some endianness.  This is
tightly coupled to the exact version and layout of the store. This is all known
at compile time, and great for performance, but harder to manage when you start
debugging. The debugging protocol is ASCII based, writable by hand, easy to use
dynamic lookup of variable names, and has support to easily add custom
commands by adding another capability in a subclass of stored::Debugger.

The FPGA does not support the debugging protocol. If you want to debug the
FPGA, instantiate the store, which includes a Synchronizer, and use a bridge in
C++ that has the same store, a Synchronizer connected to the FPGA, and a
Debugger instance. The connect to this C++ bridge.


The host tools to debug your application are written in Python, based on PySide6. The libstored wheel file from the python directory is by default installed in the venv, located in dist/venv.

To get a grasp how debugging feels like, try the following.

  1. Build the examples, as discussed above.
  2. If you use Windows, execute dist\win32\env.cmd to set your environment properly. In the instructions below, use python instead of python3.
  3. Run examples/zmqserver/zmqserver. This starts an application with a store with all kinds of object, and provides a ZeroMQ server interface for debugging.
  4. Activate the Python venv by running dist\venv\Scripts\activate.bat on Windows, or source dist/venv/bin/activate on Linux or macOS.
  5. Run python3 -m libstored.gui. This GUI connects to the zmqserver application via ZeroMQ.
  6. The GUI window will pop up and shows the objects of the zmqserver example. To add a signal to the plot, first enable the polling checkbox, and then enable the plot checkbox.

The structure of this setup is::

+---------------+ +------------+ libstored.gui -----> matplotlib +---------------+ +------------+
ZeroMQ REQ/REP channel

+-----------+ | zmqserver | +-----------+

.. image:: examples/zmqserver/zmqserver_screenshot.png :alt: zmqserver debugging screenshot

The Embedded Debugger client connects via ZeroMQ. If your application does not have it, you must implement it somehow. The examples/terminal/terminal application could be debugged as follows:

  1. Run python3 -m libstored.wrapper.stdio build/deploy/bin/terminal from the activated venv (see above). This starts the terminal example, and extracts escaped debugger frames from stdout, which are forwarded to a ZeroMQ interface.
  2. Connect a client, such as python3 -m libstored.gui. Instead of using matplotlib, the GUI can also write all auto-refreshed data to a CSV file when the -f log.csv is passed on the command line. Then, Kst_ can be used for live viewing the file.

The structure of this setup is::

+---------------+ +---------+ +-----+ libstored.gui -----> log.csv --------> Kst +---------------+ +---------+ +-----+
ZeroMQ REQ/REP channel
+-------------------------+ libstored.wrapper.stdio ---------- terminal interface +-------------------------+
stdin/stdout (mixed terminal interface
with Embedded Debugger messages)

+----------+ | terminal | +----------+

There are some more ready-to-use clients, and a Python module in the python_ directory.

Embedded Debugger protocol

Communication with the debugger implementation in the application follows a
request-response pattern.  A full description of the commands can be found in
the documentation_.  These commands are implemented in the stored::Debugger
class and ready to be used in your application.

However, the request/response messages should be wrapped in a OSI-like protocol
stack, which is described in more detail in the documentation_ too.
This stack depends on your application. A few standard protocol layers are
available, which allow to build a stack for lossless channels (stdio/TCP/some
UART) and lossy channels (some UART/CAN). These stacks are configurable in
having auto retransmit on packet loss, CRC-8/16, segmentation, buffering, MTU
size, ASCII escaping and encapsulation. See also ``examples/7_protocol``.

To get a grasp about the protocol, I had a short chat with the ``zmqserver``
example using the ``libstored.cli``.  See the transcript below. Lines starting
with ``>`` are requests, entered by me, lines starting with ``<`` are responses
from the application.

In the example below, I used the following commands:

- ``?``: request capabilities of the target
- ``l``: list object in the store
- ``i``: return the identification of the target
- ``r``: read an object
- ``w``: write an object
- ``v``: request versions
- ``a``: define an alias

Refer to the documentation for the details about these and other commands.


   >  ?
   <  ?rwelamivRWst
   >  l
   <  0110/a blob
   201/a bool
   2b4/a float
   2f8/a double
   02f/a string
   312/a uint16
   334/a uint32
   301/a uint8
   378/a uint64
   234/a ptr32
   278/a ptr64
   392/an int16
   3b4/an int32
   381/an int8
   3f8/an int64
   7b4/compute/an int8 + an int16
   734/compute/length of /a string
   6f8/compute/circle area (r = /a double)
   734/stats/ZMQ messages
   734/stats/object writes
   778/t (us)

   >  i
   <  zmqserver
   >  r/a bool
   <  0
   >  w1/a bool
   <  !
   >  r/a bool
   <  1
   >  r/s/Z
   <  14
   >  r/s/Z
   <  15
   >  r/rand
   <  3d26000000000000
   >  r/rand
   <  3f50250b79ae8000
   >  r/rand
   <  3fa550a89cb27a00
   >  v
   <  2
   >  ar/rand
   <  !
   >  rr
   <  3fc69c39e2668200
   >  rr
   <  3fd755a4ab38afc0
   >  rr
   <  3fb7617168255e00

How to build

Run ``dist/<platform>/bootstrap`` (as Administrator under Windows) once to
install all build dependencies.  Then run ``dist/<platform>/build`` to build
the project. This does effectively:

.. code:: bash

   mkdir build
   cd build
   cmake ../../.. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=deploy
   cmake --build .
   cmake --build . --target install

``dist/<platform>/build`` takes an optional argument, which allows you to
specify the ``CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE``.  If not specified, Debug is assumed.

By default, all examples are built.  For example, notice that sources are
generated under ``examples/1_hello``, while the example itself is built in the
``build`` directory. The documentation can be viewed at

To run all tests, use one of:

.. code:: bash

   cmake --build . --target test
   cmake --build . --target RUN_TESTS

Alternatively, use Visual Studio Code. Open the ``libstored`` repository in your
workspace, run the task ``bootstrap``, one of the ``config`` tasks, and one of
the ``build`` tasks afterwards. Run the ``test`` task to execute all tests.

How to integrate in your build

Building libstored on itself is not too interesting, it is about how it can generate stuff for you. This is how to integrate it in your project:

  1. Add libstored to your source repository, for example as a submodule.

  2. Run dist/<platform>/bootstrap in the libstored directory once to install all dependencies.

  3. Include libstored in your cmake project, such as:

    .. code:: cmake

    list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH extern/libstored/cmake) include(libstored)

    Before including libstored, you can specify several options (see cmake/libstored.cmake), such as enabling ASan or clang-tidy. Especially the library dependencies (ZeroMQ, Zth, Qt, heatshrink) are relevant to consider. For example, to enable ZeroMQ:

    .. code:: cmake

    list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH extern/libstored/dist/common) find_package(ZeroMQ REQUIRED) set(LIBSTORED_HAVE_LIBZMQ ON)

    For Windows, Linux and macOS, the provided package in the common directory tries to find ZeroMQ on your system, or it is built from source. For other targets, you might tweak this approach.

  4. Optional: install dist/common/st.vim in $HOME/.vim/syntax to have proper syntax highlighting in vim.

  5. Add some store definition file to your project, let's say Assume you have a target app (which can be any type of cmake target), which is going to use, generate all required files. This will generate the sources in the libstored subdirectory of the current source directory, a library named app-libstored, and set all the dependencies right:

    .. code:: cmake

    add_executable(app main.cpp) libstored_generate(TARGET app STORES

  6. To override the default configuration, provide a stored_config.h file. Add this to the build by either setting LIBSTORED_PREPEND_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES to a space-separated list with application-specific include directories, containing the header file, or by setting the include directory using:

    .. code:: cmake

    target_include_directories(app-libstored BEFORE PUBLIC path/to/my/include)

  7. Now, build your app. The generated libstored library is automatically built.

  8. If you want to use the VHDL store in your Vivado project, create a project for your FPGA, and source the generated file rtl/vivado.tcl. This will add all relevant files to your project. Afterwards, just save the project as usually; the rtl/vivado.tcl file is not needed anymore.

  9. If you ran the install target, a share/cmake/libstored/libstored.cmake file is generated. If you include this file in another cmake project, you import all generated libraries as static libraries. See the examples/installed example how to do this.

Alternatively, you could install libstored from PyPI instead of the submodule approach. In that case:

  1. Do something like python3 -m pip install libstored.
  2. Run python3 -m libstored.cmake to generate a FindLibstored.cmake.
  3. In your project, call find_package(Libstored), while having the generated FindLibstored.cmake in your CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.

    Libstored accepts ZeroMQ, Zth, Heatshrink, Qt5, Qt6 as COMPONENTS. Setting these enables integration of these libraries with libstored. When possible, they are taken from your host system, or built from source (except Qt). If you want more control over these libraries, you can also use the mechanism described above with manually setting LIBSTORED_HAVE_LIBZMQ and friends.

  4. Continue with step 5 of the submodule-approach above.

Check out the examples of libstored, which are all independent applications with their own generated store.

.. _Zth:


(Most of) this project is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, as specified in LICENSE. This project complies to REUSE_.

.. _presentation: .. _examples: .. _fibers: .. _documentation: .. _8_sync: .. _heatshrink: .. _Kst: .. _python: .. _REUSE: