DFE-Digital / get-into-teaching-content

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DFE-Digital Get into Teaching website content

Build and Deploy Release to test


Whats included in this repository

Application for this website

The application this content is combined with is held in a separate Application repository

When the application in that repository is deployed, it builds a new application Docker Image, then triggers a build of this Repo which creates its own Docker Image layered on top of the application one.

The combined image is then deployed through to GovUK PAAS via Github Actions.


How markdown content is rendered is controlled from the Frontmatter - that YAML definition at the start of the markdown file.

There is also a global frontmatter config which is merged in with the per-page front matter. This can be used for things like global acronym definitions.

This can be found at config/frontmatter.yml


Acronyms are replaced with an HTML tag allowing the user to hover to view the acronym definition.

  DFE: Department for Education
  VAT: Value added tag


Accessibility Scanning

On Deployment to the Development environment (master branch) the Accessibility Scanner will be run, carrying out a11y accessibility checks on a list of URLS. The list can be amended using the file .accessibility.file

OWASP Scanning

On deployment to the development environment the web url is scanned using ZAP Scanner. The scanner is controlled by a rules file stored in .zap/rules.tsv. Ideally there should be no rules supressed but intially it has been agreed to resolve them at a slower pace. The scanner will produce an artifact in the output of the running action (zap_scan.zip), by downloading this file and reading the contents it is possible to see what vulnerabilities have beeen detected. The following rules have been added: