DFRobot / DFRobot_AS7341

We live in a colorful world, but how much do you really know about color? You eyes may deceive you, while the sensors don’t lie. This AS7341sensor can tell you the truth about color. <br> AS7341 Visible Light Sensor employs the new generation of AS7341 spectral sensor IC launched by the well-known ARM company. The sensor features eight channels for the visible light, one channel for near-IR, and one channel without a filter. Also it integrates a dedicated channel to detect ambient light flicker. Besides that, this sensor comes with 6 independent 16-bit ADC channels for data processing in parallel. The two on-board extra-bright LEDs can supply light in dark environment.
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Channel to ADC mapping #1

Open pback34 opened 3 years ago

pback34 commented 3 years ago

Can someone please explain where the information used to configure phtotodiode/ADC channels is provided by AMS for the AS7341?

For example in the function void DFRobot_AS7341::F5F8_Clear_NIR() { writeReg(byte(0x00), byte(0x00)); writeReg(byte(0x01), byte(0x00)); writeReg(byte(0x02), byte(0x00)); writeReg(byte(0x03), byte(0x40)); writeReg(byte(0x04), byte(0x02)); writeReg(byte(0x05), byte(0x00)); writeReg(byte(0x06), byte(0x10)); ...

The datasheet provides zero information on configuring these registers in this way, but does mention the ability to have this feature in the description. I'm curious to know where the authors acquired this missing information. Thank you.

bjornwilliam commented 3 years ago

The SMUX setup is described in an application note from AMS. I managed to get it by downloading one of their evalSW software downloads, ( https://ams.com/as7341#tab/tools) AS7341_AN000666_1-01.pdf

datviNasser commented 11 months ago

searched too long for this AN, big thx