DFRobot / DFRobot_AS7341

We live in a colorful world, but how much do you really know about color? You eyes may deceive you, while the sensors don’t lie. This AS7341sensor can tell you the truth about color. <br> AS7341 Visible Light Sensor employs the new generation of AS7341 spectral sensor IC launched by the well-known ARM company. The sensor features eight channels for the visible light, one channel for near-IR, and one channel without a filter. Also it integrates a dedicated channel to detect ambient light flicker. Besides that, this sensor comes with 6 independent 16-bit ADC channels for data processing in parallel. The two on-board extra-bright LEDs can supply light in dark environment.
MIT License
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We live in a colorful world, but how much do you really know about color? You eyes may deceive you, while the sensors don’t lie. This AS7341sensor can tell you the truth about color.
AS7341 Visible Light Sensor employs the new generation of AS7341 spectral sensor IC launched by the well-known AMS company. The sensor features eight channels for the visible light, one channel for near-IR, and one channel without a filter. Also it integrates a dedicated channel to detect ambient light flicker. Besides that, this sensor comes with 6 independent 16-bit ADC channels for data processing in parallel. The two on-board extra-bright LEDs can supply light in dark environment.

Product Image

Product Link (https://www.dfrobot.com/product-2132.html)

SEN0365: Fermion: AS7341 11-Channel Visible Light Sensor (Breakout)

Table of Contents


1.Read the value of each channel
2.Detect whether the frequency of light source flickering is 50HZ or 60HZ


To use this library, first download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo in the folder.


   * @fn begin
   * @brief init function
   * @param mode data read mode
   * @return return 0 if the initialization succeeds, otherwise return non-zero and error code.
  int begin(eMode_t mode = eSpm);

   * @fn readID
   * @brief read sensor ID
   * @return the read sensor ID, one byte 
  uint8_t readID();

   * @fn setAtime
   * @brief Set the value of register ATIME, through which the value of Integration time can be calculated. The value represents the time that must be spent during data reading.
   * @param value the value of register ATIME
  void setAtime(uint8_t value);

   * @fn setAstep
   * @brief Sets the integration time per step
   * @param value the value of register Astep
  void setAstep(uint16_t value);

   * @fn setAGAIN
   * @brief Set gain value (0~10 corresponds to X0.5,X1,X2,X4,X8,X16,X32,X64,X128,X256,X512)
   * @param value The value of register CFG1
  void setAGAIN(uint8_t value);

   * @fn setWtime
   * @brief Set Set the value of WTIME, through which wite time can be calculated. The value represents the time that
   * @ must be spent during data reading.
   * @param value The value of WTIME
  void setWtime(uint8_t value);

   * @fn startMeasure
   * @brief Start spectrum measurement 
   * @param mode Channel mapping mode: 1.eF1F4ClearNIR,2.eF5F8ClearNIR
  void startMeasure(eChChoose_t mode);

   * @fn readSpectralDataOne
   * @brief Read the value of sensor data channel 0~5, under eF1F4ClearNIR
   * @return The value of channel  ADF1,ADF2,ADF3,ADF4,ADCLEAR and ADNIR

  sModeOneData_t readSpectralDataOne();

   * @fn readSpectralDataTwo
   * @brief Read the value of sensor data channel 0~5, under eF5F8ClearNIR
   * @return The value of channel ADF5,ADF6,ADF7,ADF8,ADCLEAR and ADNIR
  sModeTwoData_t readSpectralDataTwo();

   * @fn readFlickerData
   * @brief Read the value of register flicker, through which the flicker frequency of the light source can be predicted
   * @return The data of register flicker
  uint8_t readFlickerData();

   * @fn measureComplete
   * @brief Set measurement mode 
   * @return Boolean type, the result of measure
   * @retval true measurement completed
   * @retval false Incomplete measurement
  bool measureComplete();

   * @fn setGpioMode
   * @brief Set the electrical parameters of GPIO pins 
   * @param mode INPUT and OUTPUT
  void setGpioMode(uint8_t mode);

   * @fn enableSpectralMeasure
   * @brief enable spectral measurement
   * @param on true:enable,false:disable   
  void enableSpectralMeasure(bool on);

   * @fn enableLed
   * @brief whether to use LED lights
   * @param on true:yes,false:no  
  void enableLed(bool on);

   * @fn controlLed
   * @brief Set the brightness level of led  
   * @param current brightness level (1~20 corresponds to current 4mA,6mA,8mA,10mA,12mA,......,42mA)
  void controlLed(uint8_t current);


MCU Work Well Work Wrong Untested Remarks
Arduino Uno



Written by fengli(li.feng@dfrobot.com), 2020.7.31 (Welcome to our website)