DFRobot / DFRobot_BMP280

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
5 stars 6 forks source link


DFRobot's Temperature, Pressure and Approx altitude.


Product Link(https://www.dfrobot.com/product-2140.html

SKU: SEN0372


Provides an Arduino library for reading and interpreting Bosch BMP280 data over I2C.
Used to read current temperature, air pressure and calculate altitude.


To use this library download the zip file, uncompress it to a folder named DFRobot_BMP280. Download the zip file first to use this library and uncompress it to a folder named DFRobot_BMP280.


   * @fn begin
   * @brief begin Sensor begin
   * @return Enum of eStatus_t
  eStatus_t begin();

   * @fn getTemperature
   * @brief getTemperature Get temperature
   * @return Temprature in Celsius
  float  getTemperature();

   * @fn getPressure
   * @brief getPressure Get pressure
   * @return Pressure in pa
  uint32_t getPressure();

   * @fn calAltitude
   * @brief calAltitude Calculate altitude
   * @param seaLevelPressure Sea level pressure
   * @param pressure Pressure in pa
   * @return Altitude in meter
  float calAltitude(float seaLevelPressure, uint32_t pressure);

   * @fn reset
   * @brief reset Reset sensor
  void reset();

   * @fn setCtrlMeasMode
   * @brief setCtrlMeasMode Set control measure mode
   * @param eMode One enum of eCtrlMeasMode_t
  void setCtrlMeasMode(eCtrlMeasMode_t eMode);

   * @fn setCtrlMeasSamplingTemp
   * @brief setCtrlMeasSamplingTemp Set control measure temperature oversampling
   * @param eSampling One enum of eSampling_t
  void setCtrlMeasSamplingTemp(eSampling_t eSampling);

   * @fn setCtrlMeasSamplingPress
   * @brief setCtrlMeasSamplingPress Set control measure pressure oversampling
   * @param eSampling One enum of eSampling_t
  void setCtrlMeasSamplingPress(eSampling_t eSampling);

   * @fn setConfigFilter
   * @brief setConfigFilter Set config filter
   * @param eFilter One enum of eConfigFilter_t
  void setConfigFilter(eConfigFilter_t eFilter);

   * @fn setConfigTStandby
   * @brief setConfigTStandby Set config standby time
   * @param eT One enum of eConfigTStandby_t
  void setConfigTStandby(eConfigTStandby_t eT);

   * @fn DFRobot_BMP280_IIC
   * @brief DFRobot_BMP280_IIC
   * @param pWire Which TwoWire peripheral to operate
   * @param eSdo Pin sdo status
   * @n     eSdoLow,
   * @n eSdoHigh
  DFRobot_BMP280_IIC(TwoWire *pWire, eSdo_t eSdo);


MCU Work Well Work Wrong Untested Remarks
Arduino uno



Written by Frank(jiehan.guo@dfrobot.com), 2018. (Welcome to our website)