DFRobot / DFRobot_MLX90614

DFRobot IR Thermometer Sensor MLX90614
MIT License
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This is a Library for MLX90614, the function is to read temperature. The MLX90614 is an Infra Red thermometer for non contact temperature measurements. Both the IR sensitive thermopile detector chip and the signal conditioning ASSP are integrated in the same TO-39 can. Thanks to its low noise amplifier, 17-bit ADC and powerful DSP unit, a high accuracy and resolution of the thermometer is achieved.


Product Link (https://www.dfrobot.com/search-mlx90614.html)


Table of Contents



To use this library, first download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo in the folder.


   * @fn begin
   * @brief initialization function
   * @return int type, indicates returning initialization status
   * @retval 0 NO_ERROR
   * @retval -1 ERR_DATA_BUS
   * @retval -2 ERR_IC_VERSION
  virtual int begin(void);

   * @fn setEmissivityCorrectionCoefficient
   * @brief set the emissivity calibration coefficient, users need to calculate the ratio of the temperature measured before the sensor changes emissivity to the true temperature of the object,
   * @n     upload the ratio to the api as a parameter, and the deviation of the object absolute temperature measured by the sensor will be lower
   * @param calibrationValue new calibration coefficient, the ratio of the temperature measured before the sensor changes emissivity to the true temperature of the object, range: [0.1, 1.0]
   * @param set0X0F false: Default; true : Applicable to the mlx90614 Series c
   * @return None
  void setEmissivityCorrectionCoefficient(float calibrationValue, bool set0X0F = false);

   * @fn setMeasuredParameters
   * @brief set the measurement parameters, including IIR (Infinite Impulse Response Digital Filter) and FIR (Finite Impulse Response Digital Filter)
   * @details Filter noise (biased measurement data) to provide data accuracy, filter coefficients can be set as follows
   * @param IIRMode: eIIR100, eIIR80, eIIR67, eIIR57;
   * @param FIRMode: eFIR128, eFIR256, eFIR512, eFIR1024;
   * @return None
  void setMeasuredParameters(eIIRMode_t IIRMode=eIIR100, eFIRMode_t FIRMode=eFIR1024);

   * @fn getAmbientTempCelsius
   * @brief get ambient temperature, unit is Celsius
   * @return return value range: -40.01 °C ~ 85 °C
  float getAmbientTempCelsius(void);

   * @fn getObjectTempCelsius
   * @brief get temperature of object, unit is Celsius
   * @return return value range: 
   * @n  -70.01 °C ~ 270 °C(MLX90614ESF-DCI)
   * @n  -70.01 °C ~ 380 °C(MLX90614ESF-DCC)
  float getObjectTempCelsius(void);

   * @fn enterSleepMode
   * @brief control the sensor sleep mode, must enter and exit the sleep mode once after the sensor is configured (equivalent to soft reset) to ensure the normal reading of the measured data
   * @param mode select to enter or exit sleep mode, it's enter sleep mode by default
   * @n            true put the sensor to sleep
   * @n            false wake up the sensor (automatically exit sleep mode after power down and restart)
   * @return None
  void enterSleepMode(bool mode=true);

   * @fn setI2CAddress
   * @brief set I2C communication address, the setting takes effect after power down and restart
   * @param addr new I2C communication address 7bit, range: (0~127)
   * @return None
  void setI2CAddress(uint8_t addr);


MCU Work Well Work Wrong Untested Remarks
Arduino Uno
Firebeetle ESP8266
Firebeetle ESP32-E
FireBeetle M0



Written by qsjhyy(yihuan.huang@dfrobot.com), 2021. (Welcome to our website)